Creating A Page
There are 2 ways you can go about creating a page in Nucleus Web. You can select one of our page templates or you can create a page from scratch. To start creating a page, first go to the All Pages section and select +Create Page.
From here, choose a starting point from which to begin creating your page.
Nucleus has a wide range of templates to choose from to give you something to start with when building out your pages.
Simply select one of the themed templates and you will be then asked to name the page.
Don’t overthink it! Just type something short and sweet that helps describe this page. (It’s only visible to admins). Once you've added a name, click Create Page to move on to the Privacy section.
Once you have a name, click Select Page to move on to the permission section.
Choosing a pages privacy setting will depend on who you want to be able to view the page on your Nucleus site. You will have 3 different options available to you:
- Public (Any person or robot on the internet can view, save or screenshot all page content.)
- Hidden (This content can still be seen or shared by anyone with the link.)
- Private (Requires a Nucleus login to access. This fully protects your page and prevents indexing.)
Once you've selected a permission level, click continue. You'll then be asked if you want to invite other admins.
You can use existing ones or choose to invite new admins. Select one option and you're all set to start building out your page.
Build From Scratch
Choosing to create a page from scratch will first prompt you to come up with a Page Name. Once you've decided on a page name, click Create Page.
Next choose your pages privacy setting. Choosing a pages privacy setting will depend on who you want to be able to view the page on your Nucleus site. You will have 3 different options available to you:
- Public (Any person or robot on the internet can view, save or screenshot all page content.)
- Hidden (This content can still be seen or shared by anyone with the link.)
- Private (Requires a Nucleus login to access. This fully protects your page and prevents indexing.)
Once you've selected a permission level, click continue. You'll then be asked if you want to invite other admins.
You can use existing ones or choose to invite new admins. Select one option and you're all set to start building out your page.