Invite And Manage Admins For A Specific Page

Nucleus Web allows you to invite admins to help manage specific pages, as well as adjust exist account admins' access to certain web pages.

To do this you'll go to Web, then under the Pages tab, select the Edit button beside the page you want to adjust. Then choose the Settings section and the Page Admins option in the sidebar.

Invite An Admin For A Specific Page

To invite an admin to manage a specific page, you'll want to click the Add New button in the right hand corner. Then type in their name and email, and select the level of access you want this person to have to this page.

Manage Existing Admins For A Specific Page

If you need to edit an admin's existing access to a certain page, you would find them in the list of Admins For This Page, then click the Edit Access button beside their listing. (This is also where you can find the option to revoke a specific admin's access to a page.)

Then use the available options to adjust their access, and Save.

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