Share Your Sermon Hub To Your Website & The Launcher

So you've created sermons, organized them into playlists, added topics and speakers, customized your Sermon Hub. Now it's time to finally share it with the world and add it to your Website, The Launcher, and anywhere else you want people to find your sermons. How exciting!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜

Sharing it is super easy and only takes a few minutes. So let's get to it!

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Your Sermon Hub URL Slug

Slug. What a funny word to appear when talking about sermons ๐Ÿ˜… No, we aren't talking about snails and slimy creatures sliding on the ground. A URL slug is what comes after your custom domain.

For instance, let's say your website's domain is

On this website, you have an About Us page. The slug for that page might be about

This makes the entire URL for that page:

No other page can have that URL slug. It is unique to that About Page.

It's like if you have an address for a house. The root domain of your web address is like the street name, while the slug is like the house number. If all you have is the street name, sure you can see all the houses down the road, but you won't know which one is the one you're looking for unless you have the actual house number.

It's the same with a website. You might have the root domain, but unless you have the slug, you won't be able to access that particular page.

So in reference to your Sermon Hub slug, we're talking about the part of the URL in the website address that comes after your root domain.

By default, your Sermon Hub's URL slug will be /sermons. But you can change this to be whatever you'd like, such as /media or /messages.

To change this, while in Nucleus Sermons, click Sermon Hub. Then select SEO Settings in the top menu.

Here you can adjust the URL slug to anything you like, as long as there are no spaces. (You also don't need to include the backslash.)

Keep in mind, if you make any changes be sure to check off the option: Nucleus will automatically redirect anyone who tries access the previous slug to the new one. If you click to remove that checkmark, anyone who tries to go to that previous slug will not be redirected and will instead land on a 404 page.

This actually isn't a problem if you've never shared your Sermon Hub anywhere yet. But if you've shared the original URL with the previous slug, we recommend leaving the checkmark active.

And, as always, if you've made any changes, don't forget to save them!

Otherwise, once you've confirmed that your slug for the Sermon Hub is exactly what you want it to be, you're ready to share it to your website and The Launcher! But first, it might be wise to preview your Sermon Hub, just to make sure everything is how you want it to be once people start visiting it.

Note: If you haven't yet added a custom domain to your Nucleus Website, no worries! You can still share your Sermon Hub. It will just be linked to your Nucleus Web preview URL. To learn how to add a custom domain to your Nucleus Web, click here.

Preview Your Sermon Hub

Similar to how you preview a page on your website that you're building in Nucleus Web, you can preview changes you've made to your Sermon Hub at anytime by clicking the View Hub button along the top of your page. Then click Preview URL to open a new tab showing you a preview of your Sermon Hub with the current changes you've made.

Note: Changes you've made to your sermon hub will not fully take effect until you publish them.

You can also access your preview link by going to your Sermon Hub, clicking Share and then clicking Preview URL on the left hand side.

This link gives anyone access to see the working version of your sermon hub (including any unpublished changes you or others have made).

It can be helpful to share this link with pastors, staff, or volunteers anytime you want someone to see this sermon hub's latest changes without needing to publish it first. This lets you easily get feedback and make updates before publishing to your church's live website.

Note: This Preview URL by default is accessible by anyone with the link and it will reflect and use the Privacy Controls you have set on the draft (working) version of your sermon hub. So just be careful where you share this link especially if it is not set to โ€œPrivateโ€ (public areas like social media are NOT recommended).

This link is the best way to share the live (published) version of your church's sermon hub anywhere you need it. From email, to social media, or literally anywhere else. To access this, simply go to your Sermon Hub and click Share. Then copy the URL and paste it wherever you like.

Share Your Sermon Hub To Your Website

There are a number of ways to share your Sermon Hub on your Nucleus website such as through actions, page sections & even your navigation menu. Let's break these down one by one and give you some guidance on how to best do this.


Actions in Nucleus Web can link directly to your Sermon Hub in a variety of ways. When you first create an action or edit an existing action on any of your Nucleus Web pages, select Sermons in the type field and then choose where specifically in Sermons you want to link to.

Selecting Page and choosing Hub Homepage will link directly to your Sermon Hub but you can also link to a variety of other areas across Nucleus Sermons including Playlists, Topics, Scriptures, etc.


When creating a navigation item or editing an existing one you can also link to your Sermon Hub in the exact same way with the exact same options as an Action.

Simply choose where you want the navigation item to link to in your Sermon Hub and name it accordingly. In most use cases you'll just be linking to the Sermon Hub directly when creating a navigation link.

Page Section

When adding a new section to a page you're building out in Nucleus Web you can dedicate a section specifically to Nucleus Sermons. First select the Sermons section type.

Then choose a layout for how you want your Sermon Hub to be presented. These layouts will work and function exactly the same as layouts across other pages on your website.

Finally, name the section something familiar for organizational purposes. Donโ€™t overthink it. Just type something short and sweet that helps describe this section. (Itโ€™s only visible to admins).

From here, scroll down to the sermon section on the page editor and click + Add New. You'll be then asked what you want to add specifically from Nucleus Sermons. It can be your latest sermon, featured sermon or even a collection of sermons.

In this example we'll select Latest Sermon and then choose our source which in this case will be All Sermons.

Once that's selected this specific section will pull from the source we chose, which in this case was All Sermons. This is a really powerful tool to use in conjunction with specifically themed pages on your website.

For example, if you created a page about baptism, you could make a playlist of all your sermons talking about baptism and then share it on that specific page within the sermon section.

Here is an example of what it looks like on the front end:

Share Your Sermon Hub To The Launcher

Finally, The Launcher can also be a great place to point people to your Sermon Hub. Start by creating a new action in the Actions section. Click the + Add New button and then give the action a title (in this example we'll name it Sermons.) Choose to link this action to an external url.

Finally, click the Setup button beside your newly created action and then add your sermon hub direct link which you can get from the share section of your Sermon Hub. Save your changes and you're all set!

What Next?

Congratulations! If you've just shared your Sermon Hub to your website or The Launcher, people can now access your sermon archive from any mobile device ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Next, it's never fun to bear the weight of everything on your own shoulders. If you haven't done so already, why don't you invite a couple more admins to access Nucleus Sermons to help lighten the responsibility of keeping your sermon archive up to date? Click below to learn more:

And if you're wanting to explore more advanced features and settings within Nucleus Sermons, here are a few great places to get started:

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