Difference between Nucleus People & people lists in other Nucleus apps?

As you have probably gathered there are multiple 'People' tabs in your Nucleus 2 dashboard.

You'll see a 'People' tab in the Flows section, Prayer section and Giving section. Not to mention your Nucleus People app! 

NOTE: These lists are not the necessarily the same, and will likely be different.

So how do all the People lists work? I'll explain! For the 'People' lists in Flows, Prayers and Giving. Only people who did one of those actions will appear in that list. For example: Mike Smith went through a Giving Flow, and created an account. If you go to your Giving App, and go to your 'People' tab, you'll see Mike Smith there. However, he won't be listed in your Flow's People tab. Make sense? 

Well this gets turned on its head for your Nucleus People app. This is your master list of people in your church. Any person who does anything in your church (give, fill out a prayer or flow) will also end up on this list. You can also manually add People to this list as well.

Of course, if you have any questions about Nucleus People, feel free to reach out to us at hello@nucleus.church

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