Share Your PrayerFlow

Although generally churches will choose to include Prayer in their Launcher in the form of the Prayer Hub, which makes all of the Prayer features (Prayer Flow and Prayer Wall) easily accessible through the church's website. However, there my be rare cases where a church may need to share a direct link to their PrayerFlow.

Just like with other Flows, you can share your PrayerFlow with a Trigger Link. Clicking on a Trigger Link will force open your Next Steps Launcher and bring you directly to your PrayerFlow.

Let's see how this all works...

Create your Trigger Link

1. Make your way to your Prayer app and select PrayerFlow.

2. Select Share in the sidebar and click on Trigger Links.

3. Decide where you're going to use this link. If it's going to be somewhere directly on your website (such as a button or hyperlink), select the first option: On my website. If you're going to be including the link elsewhere (in an email, on social, another website, etc.), select the second option.

  • Technically both of these URLs will force open your PrayerFlow; however, in the rare case that the Launcher (where your PrayerFlow exists) fails to load in the bottom corner of your website, using the first option will always ensure your Launcher opens. If your Trigger fails to load and you use the second option, the Launcher will not open. So make sure to use the correct URL for its appropriate context.

 If you've selected On my website, skip to Step 6.

5. If you've selected In an email..., you now need to select a URL to use. All URLs added in your Launcher app will appear here. Most of the time, you'll want to use your church's website. However, there is another option to use the hosted on option. This uses the permanent URL rather than your church's website to open your PrayerFlow. 

6. Now all that's left is for you to click to copy and paste it in its appropriate place where you want to share the URL.

If you don’t have your own website to add your PrayerFlow to, the permanent URL is a great option to direct people to your PrayerFlow. If you're also using Nucleus Flows, the permanent URL for the PrayerFlow doesn't give people the flexibility to access other Flows you might have added in your Launcher, so keep that in mind when sharing this specific URL with people.

If you have your Launcher installed on your website, we recommend using the PrayerFlow Trigger Link to share with people. Click here to learn more. But if not, let’s see where you can find your permanent URL.

The permanent PrayerFlow URL

1. Make your way to your Prayer app and select PrayerFlow.

2. Select Share in the sidebar and click on Permanent URL.

3. Click the Copy button and paste it wherever you wish to share the URL with people.

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