Admin Access & Permission Levels

Each administrator that is added to your church's Nucleus 2 account can have very specific admin permission levels. You can give someone access to individual products, and even specific permission levels within certain products (with more permission levels to come to other products down the road).

Additionally, because almost all of Nucleus 2 products contain people records, you can assign a specific permission level on how admins can interact with people records.

All products have a General Access level, where you can assign specific parameters the admin can manage your church's Nucleus account within. Certain products have more than a General Access. In those cases, you will find descriptions of what those specific parameters mean.

Nucleus Launcher

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.

Nucleus Flows

General Access: This level of access applies to the whole Flows product (unless you grant a different access level per-Flow).

Per-Flow Access: You can add admins to help manage Flows individually in the Flows product. If you set a different access level per-Flow, it will take precedence over any other general access level set. For example, you can set a “reporting” general access level, while granting “assistant” level on individual Flows. Selecting which specific Flows an admin can access is managed directly in Nucleus Flows.

Both: If you want the best of both worlds and need to fine tune an admin's access levels even further, you can select this option.

Note: You do NOT need to set a general access level for Flows, to grant individual Flow permissions.

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins (cannot grant or edit access).

Volunteer: Manage all Flow results (except delete). No access to admins or flow editing.

View Only: Can only view results and sharing options. No access to editing, admins, or settings.

Nucleus Giving

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Pastoral: Access to view and manage everything but cannot see any personal giver data.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.

View Only: View only access, no access to admins/settings.

Nucleus People

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.

Nucleus Prayer

General Access: This level of access applies to the whole Prayer product (except for Private Inboxes which you set separately).

Private Inboxes: You can add admins to Private Inboxes individually. These controls are managed directly in Nucleus Prayer.

Both: This option allows admins access to both the general Prayer Inbox and whatever Private Inboxes they are assigned to.

Note: You do NOT have to set a general access level for Prayer, to give someone permission to Private Inboxes.

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.

View Only: View only access, no access to admins/settings.

Church Settings

Manager: Access to view and manage everything.

Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.

Financial Assistant: Access to the financial records only. (Financial records from both Giving and Flows are consolidated in Church Settings. Anyone who is in charge of reconciling your church's bank statement or balancing the books should have this access.)

People records permission level descriptions

Some people records are available in-context in different products and features across the Nucleus platform, but are powered by one centralized people database for your church. This setting controls what level of management this admin has for people and profiles.

  • View Only: Access to only view people records in the specific products the admin has access to.
  • View & Edit: Access to view and edit people records already created in the specific products the admin has access to.
  • View, Edit & Create: Access to view, edit, and create people records in the specific products the admin has access to.
    • This permission level also presents the option to let the admin hide people records. Allow this permission sparingly, as you do not want a bunch of people records hidden unnecessarily.
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