Manage Admins In Nucleus

No matter what jobs, positions, or titles we have, we all hold various roles and responsibilities - ones which often change over time. Once you've invited people to become admins for your church account, you'll likely eventually find yourself needing to update some of those access levels and permissions as time goes on. Or you might need to invite new people and give them very specific permissions, limited to a specific part of a product. Or you might even need to remove someone completely from accessing your church account.

Whatever the case, you can manage and update access levels for admins in a variety of places in your Nucleus Dashboard. So let's dive in and review where it makes most sense to manage an admin's access levels, as well as what kind of specific permissions you can give to someone.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Anyone Can Help! (Unlimited Admins)

If it's not clear by now, you can invite multiple people to your Nucleus church account to help share the load of managing your account.

In Nucleus, you can invite as many people as you need to help manage different areas of Nucleus. These people don't all need to be staff at your church. Rather they can be anyone from the lead pastor, to a volunteer; your CPA, to an event coordinator; or anyone else who you need to help manage or view things in Nucleus. The only requirement is they will need to create (or have) a Nucleus login & account.

There are different ways you can allow someone to help while controlling their access to specific types of information. Typically they fall into a few distinct categories:

  • General Access Levels (product-level)
  • Per-Item Access (e.g. per-Flow or per-private prayer inbox)
  • People Database & Profile Permissions

Together, they make for some powerful combinations, and allow you to only allow people to view the areas of your Nucleus Dashboard that they need to. This ensures your congregation's information stays private and protected.

Note: No matter how big or small of a church you are, we always recommend having at least two admins - yourself and one other. This ensures accountability, as well as guaranteeing that if for any reason one of the admins is not able or available to manage the account (for example staff changes, vacations, unexpected deaths), then the account remains accessible by another trusted member of your church.

Controlling Areas & Types Of Access

Nucleus includes several levels of admin access for each product to help you maintain privacy and security while allowing individuals to access the information they need to do their jobs.

Note: Not every product has each available level as not every product is used in the same way.

These General Access Levels are:

  • Manager: Access to view and manage everything.
  • Assistant: Access to view and manage everything, except admins and settings.
  • View Only: View only access, no access to admins/settings.
  • Pastoral: This level is only available in Giving and grants the admin access to view and manage everything but they cannot see any personal giver data.
  • Financial Assistant: This access level is only available for Church Settings and grants the admin with this level access to the financial records only (such as Transfers and Funds)
  • Volunteer : This access level is only available for Flows and allows the admin the ability to to view and update all results for a Flow (taking actions on submissions and transactions to keep things tidy and up-to-date), but they don't have permission to edit the Flow, delete submissions or invite admins.

After assigning the new admin the correct General Access Level that you would like them to have to each of your church's Nucleus products, the next step is to choose which Permission Level they have to People records associated with your church. These access levels range from the ability to View, Edit & Create new people records, to View Only.

You can find a more detailed description of these Access and Permission Levels here.

Manage All Admins

Once you've invited someone to be an admin on your Nucleus account, you can manage their access and permission levels in more detail. Let's take a look at how easy it is:

1. Find The Admin You Want To Manage Their Access.

Admins are managed in your Church Settings. In the top left dropdown menu, select Church Settings. By default, you will land in your Admins panel.

Then, select Edit access on the admin you want to manage.

Note: If you need instructions on how to initially invite an admin, click here.

This will open a page with all of that admin's current permission details with the ability to mange and update them.

2. Add/Remove Entire Product Access.

To provide the admin with Genera Access to certain products, select all that apply so a checkmark appears. To remove access completely from a product, deselect all that apply.

In the below example, this administrator is being given General Access to Prayer. 

3. Manage Each Product's Specific Levels Of Access

Each product has unique levels of access. Scrolling down the page, you can manage how much access an admin has for the products you've just given them access to.

In the example below, the admin is being granted Manager level access to the product, and is not being granted access to Private Inboxes in Prayer.

4. Manage People Record Permissions.

While each product has unique levels of access, People records can be accessed across most Nucleus products, so it's important to set these correctly per admin you've invited on your team.

Scrolling down to the bottom, you have a few options that will affect the way an admin interacts with people records.

In the example below, the person is being granted the Permission to View, Edit & Create people records, as well as hide People records where applicable.

5. Save Your Changes.

Once you're satisfied with all the levels of access and permissions for your admin, click the Save Changes button.

Revoke Access & Remove An Admin

Instead of providing/managing a person's access and permissions, there may be times when an admin needs to be removed from your church's Nucleus Dashboard. Whether they've moved or their role has simply changed, this can easily be accomplished:

1. Find The Admin You Want To Remove.

Admins are managed in your Church Settings. In the top left dropdown menu, select Church Settings. By default, you will land in your Admins panel.

Then, select the arrow beside Edit Access, and choose Revoke Access in the dropdown menu.

2. Complete The Process.

In the box that appears, select Yes! Revoke Access.

After you've fully revoked someone's administrative access to your Nucleus Dashboard, their name will still appear in your Administrators List, though greyed out. This allows your church to maintain a record of who has had access to your Nucleus records over the course of your time using the platform. It also allows you to easily restore access for that person, should they need access again in the future (e.g. If someone goes on sabbatical, or for recurring yearly events, etc.)

However, after someone has had their access revoked, you can choose to fully remove their record from your Administrators List. To do this, after revoking their access, find them in your Administrators List again, then choose the dropdown arrow beside the Edit Access button beside their name. Then choose the Remove User option. (You can always re-invite this person again in the future.)

Manage Admins In A Product

While you can manage most access and permission levels in your Church Settings, some products offer super specific permissions that need to be managed directly in that product. Take Flows, for example. You might have a volunteer who is in charge of everyone registering for a particular event and you're using a Flow to receive signups.

Now, this person is just a volunteer. You don't want to give them access to see submissions from all your other Flows (unless of course they're also in charge of managing those submissions too). Nucleus provides you a way to do this!

Let's take a look at how:

1. Navigate To Your Admins Specifically Located In Flows.

In the top left dropdown menu, select Flows.

Then choose the Admins tab along the top.

2. Edit An Admin's Access.

Here, you can choose to invite a person to join your Flows admin team by clicking the + Add New button. To learn more about inviting an admin, click here.

If the admin has already accepted the invitation, select Edit Access beside their name.

Next, you'll be able to see the admin's current access and permission levels specifically for Flows. You can grant the General Access to Flows as a whole, or choose Per-Flow Access.

In this example, the admin is being granted Volunteer Access to a specific Flow (I'm New). You can add as few or as many Flows as you want to grant an admin access.

3. Save Your Changes.

As always, whenever you've updated anything in your Dashboard, scroll down to the bottom and click the Save Changes button.

Security & Privacy

Providing people with specific and unique admin permissions is our way of ensuring that people only see what they need to see, and can only access what they should be able to access. This is our way of helping protect people’s information. Ensuring privacy is one of our highest priorities!

If you’re interested in learning more about how seriously we take security and privacy protections, click here.

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