Manage Scheduled & Recurring Gifts

Recurring donations are a fantastic option for donors to set up if they want to give on a regular basis, but don’t want to have to input information in the GivingFlow every time. Other one-time scheduled gifts work well for other planned giving donors wish to set up.

With either kind of scheduled giving, it helps staff and admins to see projected giving (based on scheduled giving) to assist with their budgeting needs for the church.

To begin, go to your Scheduled Panel in Giving. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

What’s A Scheduled Gift?

In our Help Center and while talking with your donors, you might hear the terms scheduled and recurring donations in the same context. So what’s a scheduled gift versus a recurring one?

A scheduled gift is, quite simply, a donation that has a specific date associated with it and will be given on a specific scheduled date, or dates.

A scheduled gift can be a one-time gift that's set to be donated on a particular date in the future. Or it can be a recurring gift that is set to be donated on a consistent, regular basis.

These are the two types of scheduled gifts:

Recurring Gift

A recurring gift is a scheduled gift that, well, recurs on an ongoing basis. (Simple, we know. But it bears explaining 😁)

Donors can set up recurring gifts that begin right away, or even start on a specific date in the future. They can schedule these to recur on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis, along with a couple other special scheduling options.

One-Time Gift

A one-time gift can technically be a scheduled gift if it’s set to be given on a specific date in the future.

This can be helpful for donors who want to give a one-time donation, but might need to wait until they know they’ll have the funds in their account to donate (e.g. waiting until payday 🤑)

Difference Between The Scheduled Panel & Transactions Panel

While the Transactions Panel showcases donations that have already been given, the Scheduled Panel showcases donations that have yet to be given.

If you’re familiar with the Transactions Panel, you know you can download pretty specific, detailed reports. This is not quite the case in the Scheduled Panel, since you can’t download a report on transactions that have yet to happen 😅

That being said, there are still filtering options available to you so you can find a specific scheduled donation. (Cue segway to the next section 👇)

Showcase Projected Donations

Below is an example of what the Scheduled Panel looks like.

At the top, you can see a projected amount of donations to come in the next 30 days. To see more stats, click Gather Additional Stats. Once gathered, you can click to Show Additional Stats.

Here, you can see a breakdown of how many gifts are recurring or one-time, as well as how much money is projected to go towards each fund.

Find Specific Scheduled Gifts

You can use the search bar to find a specific gift if you know certain identity elements of a scheduled gift (like the name or email address associated with it).

Or you can use the Filters to find a specific donation.

If you’re using the Filters, don’t forget to click the Apply button. (Or to click the Reset button if you want to see all scheduled gifts again.)

Manage & Edit An Individual Scheduled Gift

Once you’ve found the scheduled gift you’re looking for, you can view its specific details and even make adjustments to it.

Simply click on the gift or the View button.

Here, you can see specific details about the scheduled gift.

If it’s a recurring donation, you can even see the most recent transactions made on this schedule by scrolling down.

To view the donor’s person record, click View Person. This will take you to their profile, where you can also view their giving history.

To edit the details of the scheduled gift, click the Edit button.

Here, you can adjust the dollar amount of the gift, the fund it’s given to, the email each receipt is sent to, as well as the memo attached to it.

Note: You should only ever adjust a scheduled gift’s details if you have been given explicit permission by the donor.

Once you save those changes, they will take effect on the next transaction determined by that gift’s schedule and you’ll see this information when you make adjustments.

Note: While you can adjust most details about a scheduled donation, you cannot amend a gift’s schedule. This means if a donor needs to change how often their recurring donation occurs, or what day of the month their gift is set to be given on, they will need to deactivate their current recurring donation and create a new one in your GivingFlow.

To deactivate a scheduled gift (regardless if it’s a one-time or recurring scheduled donation), click on Actions, and then select Deactivate Schedule. Lastly, click on Yes! Deactivate Now.

To reactivate a scheduled gift, go through the same process: click on Actions, select Activate Schedule, and then Yes! Reactivate Now.

Going forward, the gift will be given on whatever is the next available date to follow the original schedule. This next processing date will show whenever you reactivate the gift on the confirmation screen.

Note: Donors can manage their own scheduled donations in their personal My Nucleus account. While we suggest that churches encourage their congregation to manage their own giving, sometimes it’s just easier to manage certain aspects for them. (Especially for *those* people. You know who we’re talking about 😜)

What Next?

Managing and updating transactions that have already happened is just as easy as updating scheduled donations! Click below to learn more:

And in case you missed any of these great guides, click below to become wiser, smarter, and better at managing all of your Nucleus Giving:

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