Download Submissions

While Nucleus provides a great Dashboard experience to help keep track of all your submissions, downloading submission info as a .csv file can sometimes provide a better experience for certain contexts.

To download your submission info, you'll need to find a specific Flow first. (Since every Flow has its own specific steps, and each step is translated as its own column in the downloaded .csv, it's not possible to download submission data from the overall Submissions Panel in your Flows App.) So let's see how it's done...

How to download submission info

1. Go to your Flows App and click to Manage a specific Flow.

2. Click on Results in the left sidebar.

3. Choose whether you'd like to filter your submissions by "new" or "done", or by specific dates. Or you can choose to download all available submissions.

4. Click the Download button. This will download a .csv file, which can be opened in most spreadsheet platforms, such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or Google Sheets.

Can I have submissions sent to my email?

Email providers (with the exception of very few holdouts / privacy-focused email providers like Hey or Protonmail) have become so aggressive in scraping and aggregating data from content in emails, that they're no longer inherently secure or protected to deliver a bunch of data inside of emails. And over time, all conscientious platforms who want to protect their users' information (church platforms and otherwise) will switch to not sending a treasure trove of personal data to email addresses due to this growing risk.

Already larger companies like Amazon no longer send out even basic information about your purchases to your email in the receipt. They just show the bare minimum information on dollar amount, etc. and then link you to view the order details in your dashboard. This is because they know what Google and other email companies are doing to read/scan all the contents of your emails and use that information to create profiles on their users, and for other advertising purposes.

So with Nucleus 2, we made the determination to no longer send people's PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and inherently private data/content (like prayer requests or other info) that could be received in Flows or other Nucleus products, out to any email provider. Instead, if you subscribe to receive notifications for a particular Flow, you can receive an email notifying you every time there is a new submission, without sending any information about that particular submission in the email itself. This way, we make sure people's information stays safe and protected which we (and your church) are legally responsible for.

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