Manage Access To The Prayer Wall

We all know internet privacy and security is an important facet of any digital platform. That's why Nucleus provides you with the tools to manage who can and cannot access your church's digital Prayer Wall. This ensures prayer requests shared to your digital Prayer Wall stay private that even new comers to your church can be barred from seeing if you'd prefer.

Let's take a look at the Prayer Wall's privacy controls, how they function, and how someone trying to access the Prayer Wall will experience this.

Note: Access to the Prayer Wall is fully dependent on Connection Types. For a refresher on Connection Types, click here.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Choose Who Can Access The Prayer Wall

When initially setting up your Prayer Hub, it's important to indicate who you want to be able to access your church's digital Prayer Wall. Taking care of this before sharing your Prayer Hub anywhere on the internet will ensure no one gains access to your Prayer Wall who shouldn't have access to it.

To get started, while managing your Prayer app, click Prayer Hub in the main menu. Select Manage Access in the left side menu. Then choose Privacy Controls from the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can choose what type of people can view/access the Prayer Wall. If you haven't customized your Nucleus account's Connection Types, by default you will see three types of people:

  • Members
  • Regular Attenders
  • Visitors

Connection Types are labels you can add to people records/profiles. Depending on someone's Connection Type, this will either prevent or grant access to certain areas of your Nucleus, from the Prayer Wall to private Flows to private pages on your Nucleus website.

As long as you have admin permission to edit people records in your Nucleus account, any place that you can view people records, you can add/change someone's Connection Type.

Simply click Connection Type in the top right of their profile and select the appropriate Connection Type. (This will save automatically.)

To learn more about Connection Types, click here.

To quickly edit the names of your Connection Types, add more or delete some, click Manage Connection Types. This will take you to your Nucleus Church Settings.

Note: If you do not have access to manage/edit your Nucleus account's Connection Type, you will need to reach out to an admin on your account who does have access to help you with this.

Anybody linked to a Connection Type that is selected here (i.e. has a checkmark beside it) will be able to access the Prayer Wall. If you make any changes, make sure to save them.

Customize The Messaging For Requesting Access To The Prayer Wall

Once you've established the appropriate Connection Types who can access the Prayer Wall, when someone signs into the Prayer Hub, Nucleus will check to make sure that profile has the required Connection Type to view the Prayer Wall.

If they already have the correct Connection Type, they will be able to view and interact with the Prayer Wall. But if they don't yet have the correct Connection Type on their profile, Nucleus will not allow them to view the Prayer Wall.

Instead, they will be allowed to fill out the AccessFlow to request access to the Prayer Wall. In doing so, you (or another admin with access to your Nucleus Prayer) will able to review their request. Click here to skip down to learn how to review these requests.)

The AccessFlow is a simple Flow that asks for the person's name & email address (required), phone number (optional), and a short message letting the church admins know who they are and why they want access to the Prayer Wall.

While the AccessFlow itself cannot be customized, you can customize the "Thank You Page" and the messaging in the receipt email that someone sees/receives when they complete the Access Flow.

To do this, while managing your Prayer app, click Prayer Hub in the main menu. Select Manage Access in the left side menu. Then choose AccessFlow from the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

The first section you can customize is the "Thank You Page", both the title and the body text. This is what someone will see in the Prayer Hub / The Launcher as soon as they complete the AccessFlow.

Below this, you can customize the message in the receipt email the person will be sent after they complete the AccessFlow as a secondary confirmation that their request to access the Prayer Wall has actually been received.

If you make any changes, don't forget to scroll down and click Save Changes.

Customize Status Pages

Outside of the AccessFlow, people will encounter two types of other pages:

  • The "Welcome" Screen
  • The "No Access" Screen

The "Welcome" Screen will display for anyone trying to access the Prayer Wall who has not yet signed into The Launcher.

The "No Access" Screen will display for anyone who is signed into The Launcher, but who does not have access (or hasn't yet been granted access) to view the Prayer Wall. screenshot of page in Launcher]

Nucleus already has default messaging for both screens, so it's not necessary to edit these, but if you are more than welcome to customize the text if you'd like.

To do this, while managing your Prayer app, click Prayer Hub in the main menu. Select Customize in the left side menu. Then choose Status Pages from the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can edit the title and body text for both the "Welcome" and "No Access" Screens. (Be sure to stay within the character limits.)

If you decide to make any changes here, scroll down and click Save Changes.

Review Requests To Access The Prayer Wall

Anytime someone fills out the AccessFlow, their request will appear under the Needs Review section of your Prayer Hub. To find this, while in your Prayer app, click Prayer Hub in the main menu. Select Manage Access in the left side menu. Then choose Needs Review from the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can see any new requests to review. (You can also click Check for new if you believe there should be another request listed here that you don't currently see.)

Just by looking at the name, email address, and phone number (if given), if you already know what your decision is, you can use the quick actions to easily approve, ignore, or block request. Just click on the down arrow beside the "Review" button and select the best option.

If you're unsure of who this person is, you can always click View Details from the dropdown menu.

Here, you can view more details of the request, including the full message the person sent in as to who they are and why they want access.

In the top right, you can quickly Approve or click Other Actions to Ignore or Block.

Approving request to access the Prayer Wall

When you choose to approve someone's request to access the PrayerWall, you will have two options:

You can choose to add a Connection Type to their profile.

Doing this also means this person will gain access to any other Flow or page on your Nucleus website that has privacy settings turned on to allow that specific Connection Type to access. So be sure you know who this person is before adding a Connection Type to their profile.

Alternatively, you can approve their access to just the Prayer Wall. This means you don't need to assign them a Connection Type, but they will still be able to view and interact with the Prayer Wall. (You can always add a Connection Type to their profile later on.)

Ignoring request to access the Prayer Wall

After reviewing someone's request to access the Prayer Wall, you can choose to ignore their request.

Ignoring their request will prevent them from accessing the Prayer Wall, but will allow them to submit a new request later down the road.

Block person from requesting access to the Prayer Wall

After reviewing someone's request to access the Prayer Wall, you can choose to block the person entirely from requesting access to the Prayer Wall.

While this person can submit new requests to access the Prayer Wall in the future, their request will not be sent to your Nucleus Dashboard. (And if you have notification emails turned on when a new request comes in, you will also not receive that notification.)

Changing your mind later on

Anytime you choose to approve or ignore a request, or block someone from requesting access to the Prayer Wall, you can always change your mind later on. (Perhaps someone leaves your church and they shouldn't have access to the Prayer Wall anymore. Or perhaps down the road, you realize someone who was previously blocked should actually be approved now.)

To do this, click All Requests in the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can switch between ApprovedConnectedIgnored, and Blocked.

To adjust the status of someone's request, simply click the down arrow and choose a different option. (You can also view the entire request by clicking View.)

Enable Notifications For When Someone Requests Access To The Prayer Wall

There are a couple of different types of notifications an admin can receive in Nucleus Prayer:

  • A notification email when someone submits a new prayer request in general
  • A notification email when someone submits a prayer request to the Prayer Wall
  • A notification email when someone requests access to view the Prayer Wall

We'll explore the latter in this guide.

To enable email notifications for when someone requests access to view and interact with the Prayer Wall, while managing your Prayer app, click Prayer Hub in the main menu. Select Manage Acces in the left side menu. Then choose Notifications from the submenu. Click here for a quick link.

Anyone who is an admin in Nucleus Prayer for your church will be listed here. To turn on email notifications for when someone requests access, click the toggle switch to the "on" position. Then scroll down and click Save Changes.

Now when someone requests access to view/interact with the Prayer Wall, that admin will receive an email notification, with a button to view the request directly in the Nucleus Dashboard.

What Next?

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