Invite Other Admins To Help Manage Nucleus People

Once you’re familiar with Nucleus People, how people records are created and how to organize them with lists, how to utilize Messages to create Campaigns and send emails to a specific audience, it’s time to invite other admins to share the load! However you wish to divide and conquer, Nucleus allows you to provide different access levels to People + Messages, along with permissions on how to interact with people records.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

A Reminder About Unique Login Credentials

Before continuing, it's important to remember that every login created for Nucleus creates a personal My Nucleus account. Anyone with a login can then be invited to also help manage your church's Nucleus account. They can use the same unique login to access both your church's account and their personal account.

Because each login has a personal My Nucleus account associated with it, we strongly recommend not creating logins that use a generic church email, or sending admin invitations to generic church email addresses.

Doing so presents opportunities for personal information of an admin to be associated with that personal account, which a future admin who takes over their position can then potentially see. (This could include giving history, payment methods, prayer requests, and more.)

Note: For a more in-depth review about Nucleus Accounts and unique login credentials, check out this guide, and then come back to this one.

Choose Who You Want To Invite

Inviting someone to help manage your Nucleus account is super easy! (And in case you need to revoke someone's access, that's easy too. But for now, let's focus on the more exciting task at hand: sending an invitation 😊)

To begin, there are two places you can invite admins:

  1. In your Church Settings, where you can invite people to access any of the products you’re subscribed to.
  2. Directly in your People + Messages app, which will only allow you to invite people to help manage that specific product.

We already have a guide exploring how to invite people to help manage all your products in Nucleus here, so right now we’ll focus on inviting people specifically to help manage People + Messages.

Note: You can invite as many or as few people to help manage any product in Nucleus, so once you’re finished inviting one person, you can restart the process to invite someone else too!

To do this, in the top left dropdown menu of your account, click on People.  Click here for a quick link. Then, select the Admins tab.

Next click the + Add New button. Then, enter the person's first and last name, and their email address.

Set Access & Permission Levels For The New Admin

Now that we know who you're inviting, it's time to set this person's access levels to each product.

Each product has its own unique access levels, some having more options than others. For descriptions of each access level for each product, click here.

For People + Messages, you can select between Manager and Assistant.

Manager allows you full access to People + Messages, whereas Assistant will not grant access to admins and settings.

Once you've selected the admin's access level, below you can adjust the admin's people records permissions.

While this is most obvious in Nucleus People + Messages, people records can be accessed in a wide variety of products, so these specific permissions bridge across the entire platform, not just in Nucleus People + Messages.

Note: Only the View, Edit, and Create permission will reveal an extra permission that allows an admin to also hide people records. This can be helpful for when you have duplicate records, or records pertaining to people who are no longer part of your church. Hiding records prevents them from populating searches, so be wise who you grant this specific permission to.
Note: You can always adjust an admin’s access and permission levels in the future.

Send An Invite Email To The Admin

Now that you've set the admin's access and permission levels, you can send them the invitation! (i.e. Click the Invite button.)

This will send an email to the admin and will look like the following 👇

Clicking the Accept Invite button will open a new tab in their browser with a place to login to access your church's Nucleus account.

If they've already created a personal My Nucleus account with that email address, they can login directly there.

If they've never created a login yet, they can click the create an account link and follow the prompts on the screen.

Be sure to advise each new admin who accepts your invitation to check their email again for another message from Nucleus to verify their email address. This is super important, as they will not be able to receive any email notifications should they subscribe to them anywhere in your Nucleus Dashboard.

If you're unsure whether an admin has accepted the invite, you can always check the status in your list of Admins here. And if the email has gotten lost in the admin's inbox, you can always resend the invite email.

Access & Permission Levels Descriptions

Not sure what each access level means? While names of each access level may appear as an option in more than one product, the same access level may provide some unique access features depending on which product you're adjusting for.

We've outlined specific descriptions of every access level for each product here.

You can always review what each level means when editing an admin's access and permissions. Click here to learn how to edit or revoke an admin's level of access and permissions.

What Next?

Hopefully once you’ve invited everyone on your team you need to help manage People + Messages you can breathe a bit easier. (Running a ton of Message Campaigns all by yourself sounds stressful 😅)

And if you’ve gone through the entire Getting Started section on Nucleus People + Messages, now it’s time to dive deeper into all the features offered, how to manage and organize your database effectively:

And how to manage and utilize all the elements within Messages:

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