Use Funds For Giving Designations

While people can donate to your church in general, it’s always helpful to provide specific funds that people can give towards. For donors, these funds can be easily selected in your GivingFlow for anyone to access; or you can choose to hide a particular fund and then send out a secret URL that allows people to see (and give to) that hidden fund. And for admins, they can easily see which donations are designated to specific funds.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Why Create Different Funds?

By default, you will always have one fund in your GivingFlow called General. Some churches keep the default name but you can rename it whatever you like such as Tithes & Offerings. However, it’s always helpful to provide additional funds that people can have the option of selecting when donating to your church.

This not only helps your financial admins know how to delegate funds in your church’s bank account to specific ministries and other needs, but it also helps any donor know more confidently what their donations are going towards. Providing various funds in your GivingFlow engenders openness with your congregation on where their donations are actually making a difference. Plus, it also introduces new visitors to the various ministries that your church offers, and needs that your church helps with, to make tangible differences in real life.

Now, this isn’t a license to add a ton of different funds for people to choose from 😅 Too many funds has the opposite effect and is overwhelming for people to actually make a decision. This can lead to people to abandon the GivingFlow and not complete their gift. And we certainly don’t want that!

But adding at least a few different funds is always encouraged and benefits everyone in the end 😎

One Bank Account, Multiple Funds

While you can create as many funds as you’d like, all donations will land in the same bank account. Most churches are set up this way, and their bookkeeper or financial admin then handles it from there.

In Nucleus Giving, financial admins will be able to see how many donations were given to each fund in the Nucleus Dashboard, which will help them provide updates to the various ministries the amount of funds they have allocated to them.

To view donations given to a specific fund, you can always go to your Transactions Panel in Giving, and then use the Filters button to only see transactions associated with that particular fund. You can do that here in your Dashboard.

However, an easier way to do this is by going to Funds in your Giving. Then click the fund you're wanting to see records for, and you’ll quickly be able to see all donations designated to that particular fund. You can also see the people who donated (if they have an account) and see recurring vs. one-time gifts and more. You can do all that here in your Dashboard.

Create Funds & Add Descriptions

Because funds exist in both your GivingFlow and the Payment Step in Flows (if you subscribe to that product), creating funds occurs in the Financial Account of your Church Settings. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can add and name new funds, and even add descriptions to them as needed. This is also where you can set funds to tax deductible, or non-tax-deductible.

To create a new fund click the + Add New button and type in a name for your fund.

Then select Tax Deductible, or Not Tax Deductible, as well as whether this fund should be available in Giving, Flows, or both. Then choose Add Now to save your selection.

If you need to edit the name of a fund, change whether it’s tax or not tax deductible, or where it’s accessible, you can click the Edit button beside the fund name.

Make sure to save any changes you make!

Clicking the Edit button also gives you the option to add a description of a fund. This is helpful to add for funds that might not be familiar with your congregation, and can help provide context of what donations to that fund will actually be used for. These descriptions are visible under an (i) icon right on the Fund name in the GivingFlow so people can learn more and continue with their donation to that fund right in-Flow!

While editing a fund, simply click to toggle on Add More Info.

Then, write a headline and a description of the fund.

Then, click Save Changes.

Order & Hide Funds In Your GivingFlow

Once you’ve created your funds, you can then order them in your GivingFlow. To do this, make your way to Giving. Click on Manage, then on GivingFlow in the dropdown menu, and then choose Funds. Click here for a quick link.

To change the order of your funds, simply click on the two lines to the right of a fund, and drag it up/down to your desired spot in the list of funds.

Click the Save Changes button once you’re satisfied with your new order.

From time to time, you might want to hide a fund from showing up in your GivingFlow. This can be helpful if you only want a fund visible at specific times (giving you the ability to hide/unhide it whenever you choose), or if you have a specific fund that you don’t want to advertise to the general public that you’re raising donations for, but still want to make available to a specific group of people in your church.

To hide a fund, under the Visibility column, select Hidden in the dropdown menu. Then save those changes.

Hiding a fund makes it inaccessible to the general public; however, if someone has a specific trigger link, they can still access, and donate to, that fund.

Click here to learn more about trigger links.

Alter The Fund (Designation) Of A Donation

While people can see an overview of their entire gift before completing it in the GivingFlow, it’s possible that they may not realize they chose the wrong fund to give towards. In cases like this, admins (with the correct access level) can change the fund that a donation was originally set to be given towards.

To do this, make your way to Transactions in your Giving. Click here for a quick link.

You can scroll through your entire list of Transactions, or use the search bar or various filter options we provide to locate the gift in question. Click here to learn more about how to easily manage your transactions.

Once you find the transaction, click to View the gift.

Next, click the Edit button. Then, under Fund, click the dropdown menu and select a new designation for the donation. (If there is a memo added, you can also edit the memo underneath this.)

Any changes you make, don’t forget to click the Save Changes button.

What Next?

Now that you’ve got your funds all set up, it’s time to learn how to keep track of all the donations that are soon to come in through your GivingFlow. (How exciting! 😁) Click any of the guides below to access that juicy info:

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