The List Section

The List Section is a fantastic way to consolidate large portions of related information into more digestible pieces of content, either by stacking pieces of related content on top of each other, or collapsing them into an accordion style list. When you have a long list of items, the List Section is a great avenue to showcase that content.

For instance, stacking a list is a fantastic way to display various events that are coming up at your church. Not only could you provide basic information about each event (i.e. just text), you could display a photo and several actions (i.e. buttons) for people to learn more, sign up, etc.!

Alternatively, if you want to display your church’s core beliefs, using the accordion style list is a superb manner of making sure all of your beliefs exist on your site, without overwhelming people by having all of them expanded with paragraphs upon paragraphs to sift through all at once.

To begin, click on Pages in Nucleus Web. Click here for a quick link. Then click Edit on any page, or click + Create New Page to start fresh and follow the instructions on the screen.

Note: Editing a section involves much more than focusing on the specific type of section. For instance, there are a slew of design and layout options you can choose for every single section you add to a page. This guide focuses specifically on the uniqueness of the Cards Section.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Add A List Section To A Page

As explained in this guide, Nucleus pages are built using sections. There are several types of sections to use, but we’ll focus on adding a List Section to a page.

To add a List Section to a page, go to your Pages Panel here and click on any page to edit it. (If you don’t have any pages to edit, you can always edit your Homepage. Alternatively, you can create a new page. You can click here to learn more about how to do that.)

While in the Page Editor, click on + Add New Section.

Then, click to add the List Section.

Next, select a layout for how the information in your section will be displayed.

Note: Many section layouts allow you to showcase text along with whatever type of media/content you want to add (like cards). This guide will only explore the specifics of adding cards. The text features rely on how the Information Section functions. To learn more about adding text to a section (and subsequently learn more about the Information Section), click here.

Finally, give your section a name. (This is purely for admin organization purposes, so it doesn’t have to be anything fancy.)

Then click Save & Start Editing.

Add Your List Information

While editing your List Section, click + Add New.

Here, you can add your first item in your list.

There are several pieces of information you can add to your item. None of the fields are required, so you can add as few or as much information as you want. Just keep in mind to ensure that whatever you include has enough context (either from the information you’re adding here or from the surrounding sections on your page). Additionally, to maintain a cohesive look and feel, we recommend ensuring each item has the same type of information added to it. (e.g. If you add a photo to one item, try adding a photo to all your items. Or if you add an Overline to one item, try adding an Overline to all of them.)

For text, you can add an Overline, a Headline, a Byline, and Body information. Most of the regular text tools that exist are available to you here:

  • Text Type
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Emojis
  • Undo & Redo

Next, you can upload a photo for the background of your card. Simply drag and drop an image from your device. Or simply click + Add Image and a file browser for your device will appear and you can select to upload an image that way.

Then, if you want to add one or more actions (i.e. buttons), click + Add An Action.

There are 12 types of actions you can create, each one with their own unique options:

  • None (meaning the text for your action will simply be placeholder text)
  • Page (connect to another page on your Nucleus site, with the option to take people to a specific section on that page)
  • Info (connect to an Info Card)
  • Leader (connect to a Leader)
  • Flow (connect to a custom Flow)
  • Prayer (connect to your PrayerFlow or Prayer Hub)
  • Giving (connect to your GivingFlow)
  • URL (connect to a URL)
  • File (upload a file so people can download it when they click on the button)
  • Email (add an email so when people click on the button, it automatically opens their dedicated email app with that address already in the “send to” field)
  • Phone (add a phone number so when people click on the button, it automatically prompts them to call that specific phone number)
  • Sermons (connect to your SermonHub via a Playlist, specific Sermon, Topics, or Scripture.

Then, you can enter in your button text (your call to action) and select one of the four button styles. (These button styles can be managed here in your Design Panel.)

Lastly, click Add Now.

You can add as many items in your list as you want, and reorder them by clicking the two lines, and dragging and dropping them in your desired order.

To Edit, Duplicate or Delete an item, click the down arrow and select one of those options.

Customize How Your List Is Displayed

Once you have all your items added to your list, you can click Customize Display to, well…customize how your list is displayed 😁 This will apply to all the items in your list.

First, you can change the layout of your list in the Layout tab.

This will allow you to choose whether you want each item in your list to be stacked one on top of each other with all the information immediately viewable. (That’s Traditional.)

Or you can choose Accordion, which collapses all List items so that you have to click to expand each one individually.

Below this, you can choose whether you want all types of information for each item to be visible, or only certain types of information.

You'll also be able to choose to have the cards live inside of the section or take up the full width of the section.

Next, in the Text & Buttons tab, you can choose the alignment of your Headline, Body Text, and Buttons.

Below this, you can adjust how you want your buttons displayed.

If you’ve selected to display images for each item in your list from the Layout Tab, the Media tab is where you can adjust how those images are going to appear. You can choose to leave it set to your preset (which is how images appear in all lists across your website), or you can choose to customize how your images will look for this particular list.

Note: To edit a media preset, go to your Design Panel and click Media. Here’s a quick link.

All changes you make while customizing the display of your list are automatically saved, so don’t worry about forgetting to save your edits while making your way through each tab.

Additionally, there are tons of other features and settings you can use to edit your List Section (as you can any other section). To learn more about how to change your section layout, add media or actions, or edit any other stylistic elements of your section, click here.

Preview Your Page

In all places where you can create and edit your web pages or design options, Nucleus operates with an autosave feature. At any point in time, you can choose to preview your website to see how your changes in your Dashboard are affecting your website as a visitor to your site would see it.

Simply click Preview in the top right corner.

This will open a new tab in your browser and will take you to your Nucleus Web preview URL.

To go back to your Dashboard, click on the appropriate tab in your browser.

Note: Clicking on the Preview button will always open a new tab, so unless you close out each preview tab opened, you’ll end up with several tabs opened with different iterations of how you’ve changed the design of your website.

What Next?

The List Section isn’t the only type of section you can add to a page. Check out some of these other guides to learn about different types of sections you can add to a page in your Nucleus website:

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