The Calendar Section

The Calendar Section is a powerful and dynamic way to showcase information from a specific calendar managed in a third party system. This means you can connect a calendar managed in Google, for instance, to a Calendar Section. Then, whatever events you publish (or other changes you make) in your Google Calendar will dynamically populate and update in the calendar on your Nucleus website.

Linking a calendar to a Calendar Section is easy. You’re just a few clicks and a copy & paste away from seeing your calendar displayed on your Nucleus website 📅

To begin, click on Pages in Nucleus Web. Click here for a quick link. Then click Edit on any page, or click + Create New Page to start afresh and follow the instructions on the screen.

Note: Editing a section involves much more than focusing on the specific type of section. For instance, there are a slew of design and layout options you can choose for every single section you add to a page. This guide focuses specifically on the uniqueness of the Calendar Section. To learn more about how to add and edit a section in general, click here.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Add A Calendar Section To A Page

As explained in this guide, Nucleus pages are built using sections. There are several types of sections to use, but we’ll focus on adding a Calendar Section to a page.

To add a Calendar Section to a page, go to your Pages Panel here and click on any page to edit it. (If you don’t have any pages to edit, you can always edit your Homepage. Alternatively, you can create a new page. Click here to learn more about how to do that.)

While in the Page Editor, click on + Add New Section.

Then, click to add the Calendar Section.

Next, select a layout for how the information in your section will be displayed.

Note: Many section layouts allow you to showcase text along with whatever type of specific media/content you want to add (like a calendar). This guide will only explore the specifics of adding a calendar. The text features rely on how the Information Section functions. To learn more about adding text to a section (and subsequently learn more about the Information Section), click here.

Finally, give your section a name. (This is purely for admin organization purposes, so it doesn’t have to be anything fancy.)

Then click Save & Start Editing.

Note: This article will only focus on the unique functionality for the Calendar Section. To learn more about how to edit the layout and design of a section, click here.

Depending on the layout you chose, you might see some options to add some text above where you can add the Calendar Feed URL. As explained above, we’ll just focus specifically on adding a calendar and adjusting some settings for that.

Note: To keep things from becoming complicated within a single Calendar Section, you can only add one Calendar. But if you want more than one calendar to appear on a single page, you can add multiple Calendar Sections to the same page.

Now, while we prompt you to input an iCal Feed URL in the Calendar Section, not all calendars offer iCal specific URLs. Calendars like Apple have their own type of feed that Nucleus is still able to interpret. We’ll explore how to find your calendar URL for both Google Calendars and Apple Calendars (though if you have a shareable calendar link from other platforms, you should be able to add that to your Calendar Section too.)

Find Your Google Calendar Feed URL

Note: If you are pulling events into Google Calendar from another 3rd party platform, like PCO, you should login to that account and use the iCal link from there, rather than using Google as an intermediary between Nucleus and the 3rd party platform.

First, login to your Google Calendar account. Click here for a quick link.

Once logged in, hover your cursor over a calendar in the left sidebar.

Clicking on the three dots that appear, select Settings and sharing.

Next, under Access permissions for events, make sure that Make available to public is checked off and that See all event details is selected in the dropdown menu.

Then, scroll down to the bottom. Under Integrate calendar, highlight the URL in the Public address in iCal format. Then right click on the highlighted URL and click Copy.

Once you have your Calendar Feed URL copied, you can paste it directly into your Calendar Section.

Find Your Apple Calendar Feed URL

On an Apple device, open up the Calendar app.

In the left sidebar, hover your cursor over a calendar in the left sidebar and click on the person icon that appears.

In the lightbox that appears, check off Public Calendar. Then select Done.

Now your calendar is public, but you still need to locate and copy the shareable URL.

Hover again over the same calendar and click on the person icon that appears.

Now in the lightbox, you can see the calendar URL. Triple click on the URL to highlight the entirety of it.

Two-finger click on the highlighted URL and select Copy from the menu that appears.

Once you have your Calendar Feed URL copied, you can paste it directly into your Calendar Section.

Customize Your Calendar Display

After you’ve pasted your calendar URL, you can customize how your information will be displayed in the Calendar Section. To do this, click Customize Display.

Here, you can edit what type of content, how much content, and for what duration the content is displayed.

First, you can choose what content is shared, and in what order. Click on each type of content to either select or deselect it.

To rearrange the order the content appears, click on the two lines on a type of content. Then drag up/down and drop it in your desired spot.

Below this, you can choose whether to showcase events by day, week, or month.

Lastly, you can choose whether to showcase all available events (for the duration of time established above) or to only showcase the first 5 (with the option for someone to load more events if they want to see the rest).

If you’ve made a lot of changes and want to rest them all to the original settings, click Reset to Defaults.

Once you’re happy with your changes, click Close.

And that’s all there is to it! Of course, there are tons of other features and settings you can edit on this section (as you can any other section). To learn more about how to change your section layout, add media or actions, or edit any other stylistic elements of your section, click here.

Preview Your Page

In all places where you can create and edit your web pages or design options, Nucleus operates with an autosave feature. At any point in time, you can choose to preview your website to see how your changes in your Dashboard are affecting your website as a visitor to your site would see it.

Simply click Preview in the top right corner.

This will open a new tab in your browser and will take you to your Nucleus Web preview URL.

To go back to your Dashboard, click on the appropriate tab in your browser.

Note: Clicking on the Preview button will always open a new tab, so unless you close out each preview tab opened, you’ll end up with several tabs opened with different iterations of how you’ve changed the design of your website.

What Next?

The Calendar Section isn’t the only type of section you can add to a page. Check out some of these other guides to learn about different types of sections you can add to a page in your Nucleus website:

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