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Publish, Distribute & Promote Your Podcast

Setting up your podcast with episodes in your Nucleus Dashboard is all and well, but without sharing it to the rest of the world, no one will be able to access it. (How sad would that be! 😭)

While distributing your podcast might seem daunting, once you've done so, you rarely ever need to revisit it! So if you hunker down, follow this guide (and any other guides suggested for each specific podcast platform), you'll be laughing later on 😁

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Publish Your Podcast

While it's great to have your podcast all set up, it's no good if you're not actually sharing it anywhere! If you haven't set up your podcast yet, you find that guide here.

You must manually add your RSS feed to whatever podcast platforms you wish people to access your podcast. To do this, click on Distribution;

Here you'll see the top five podcasting platforms that would be good to focus on adding your RSS feed to. Each platform listed has a link to their website to get started. Click on each of those to get started with adding your podcast to that platform.

Note: Sometimes podcast platforms will send you a verification code when you submit an RSS feed to them. You can paste that code here in your Dashboard.

Here is a list of links to instructions for each of the main five podcast platforms on how to create a new podcast or update an existing one with your Nucleus 2 Sermons RSS feed.

Once you create an account and login to the podcast portion of Spotify, there are really good step-by-step instructions there.

Here's a good 3rd party article that outlines all the steps: 

Note: Google is moving away from Google Podcasts and transitioning to YouTube to manage podcasts. So the following instructions may not apply at time of reading this article.

Redirect Your Old RSS Feed

If you had a different RSS feed previously and are updating it to your Nucleus Sermons RSS feed, you'll probably want to redirect people from your old RSS feed to your new RSS feed.

If you are transitioning your Sermon's from Nucleus 1 Sermons to Nucleus 2 Sermons, we have a dedicated guide here for you.

If you're coming from a different podcast platform you'll need to log into that platform and look for instructions on how to redirect that RSS feed to Nucleus.

Promote Your Podcast

Promoting your podcast is important if you want people to Subscribe to it and receive every new episode you publish right to their device.

The SermonHub has a section dedicated to promoting your Podcast. To find this, simply click on Sermon Hub, and then select Promo Section in the left side bar. Click here for a quick link.

You can even buttons for the different Podcast platforms for people to subscribe to!

If you want a detailed guide on how to set up your promo section, click here.

Your SermonHub is not the only place you can promote your podcast. You can also do it on the Footer of your website!

To do this, head to the Design Panel of Nucleus Web. Then select Footer in the left sidebar. Click here for a quick link. Scroll Down till you see Actions (CTA's).

Click +Add an Action.

Make sure to select the URL option. Label your button Subscribe, or something else that indicates they are subscribing to your podcast, like, "Listen Now."

Note: Make sure to add the URL of the Podcast feed from Apple, Spotify or any other podcast platform, and NOT the URL from your SermonHub. Unless of course you want to direct people to your SermonHub 🙂

Select your button style and click Add New Action.

Don't forget to hit Publish!

Here's what that could look like on your site:

What Next?

Once you've created a podcast on a popular platform (or updated your RSS feed on a podcast you previously had created), now it's time to promote your podcast!

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