Understanding & Downloading Reports In Nucleus Giving

Running, understanding, interpreting, and downloading reports are all key components of any financial administrator at a church. Thankfully, Nucleus provides robust panels with customizable tables to help you run the exact reports you’re looking for, along with quick summaries of stats to give you an overview of what’s in your report.

Note: While we’ll touch on reconciliation (which happens in another area of your Nucleus Dashboard), we’ll specifically be focusing on running transaction reports in Nucleus Giving. That being said, the same principles apply anywhere you see transaction tables in your Dashboard.

To begin, go to your Transactions Panel in Giving. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Two Areas Of Management

Before introducing you to all the various elements of transactions tables and how to sort, filter, and run reports, it’s important to note that there are technically two areas you will likely need access to manage all of your financials: Giving and your Church Settings (specifically the Financial Account section).

Because Nucleus offers Payments with Nucleus Flows using the same processing account as Nucleus Giving, your master list of all Transfer and Transaction data is located in the Financial Account section of your Church Settings here.

This means anytime you view the Transactions Panel in Giving, you’re only viewing transactions coming from the GivingFlow; while anytime you view the Transactions Panel in Flows, you’re only viewing transactions coming from Payment steps within any custom Flows you’ve created. 

Viewing the Transactions Panel in your Financial Account combines both Giving and Flows transactions into a master list of all transactions.

If you’re not using Nucleus Flows, you’ll only be seeing transactions coming from the GivingFlow, so this matters a bit less. 

Either way, the Transfers Panel in your Financial Account will be an important part of the reconciliation process (as you’ll read below).

So in short, if you are in charge of managing all transaction data and reconciling what you see in your bank account with what you see in your Nucleus Dashboard, you’ll want to make sure you have admin access to both Giving and Church Settings.

Thankfully, there is a specific level of admin access called Financial Assistant, so if you don’t need access to things like your Nucleus subscription or to other administrators’ settings, the Financial Assistant is the best admin level of access for you. But if you’re not involved in the reconciliation process, then you may only need access to Giving.

Click here for more information on admin access and permission levels.

Run Giving Transaction Reports

There are three types of reports you can run in Nucleus Giving:

  • All Transactions
  • Per Fund
  • Per Giver
All Transactions

To run a report that consists of all transactions, you can do this in your Transactions Panel here. You can filter by all kinds of filters including funds, method of payment, and many others. (More on filtering below.)

Per Fund

If you want to look at things in only the context of one specific fund, you can jump to a list of all your funds in your Funds Panel here

Then just click on one to View it, see its results, and run a report there.

Per Giver

To run a report for a specific Giver, you can see a list of all your Givers in your People list here.

Note: This is not a master list of all your people in your Nucleus Dashboard. This is only a list of people who have given via your GivingFlow, or people an admin has created in order to keep track of offline donations.

Once you find the particular Giver in question, click on their name or click View Profile.

From there, you can click Digital Giving or Offline Giving to view those specific types of transactions.

You’ll notice that in all these various areas, you see the same format of tables and options to filter transactions. To learn how to set up your viewing and reporting structure of these tables, read on below.

Scheduled Panel

But before that, you might have noticed there was a panel we didn’t explore yet: Scheduled. You can check that out here.

Because the Scheduled Panel showcases all donations that are projected to be given, you can’t technically run a report, because these gifts have not yet been given. But you can see a quick stats overview of how much you can expect to receive in the next 30 days via scheduled donations, and manage each particular scheduled gift as well.

To learn more about managing scheduled gifts, click here.

Set Up Your Viewing & Reporting Structure

Anywhere you see financial data, you’ll be greeted with the same type of transactions table complete with the ability to customize the amount of data you see, as well as the ability to search and filter to find specific transactions.

What’s even cooler is that Nucleus saves your specific layout so the next time you open Nucleus on the same device, you don’t need to reorganize how the data is presented every single time.

Let’s take a look at the Transactions Panel within Giving. To get there, simply go to Giving. You’ll automatically be taken to your Transactions Panel, but just in case you’re not, click here for a quick link.

Here, you can use the search bar to look for specific names, email addresses, dollar amounts, or even the last four digits of payment methods.

Use the filters to select which type of transactions you wish to view.

Use the date filter to select a certain type period to track down specific transactions.

Use the columns to toggle on/off information in the table, and then rearrange the order the columns appear by clicking and dragging the two lines up/down to your desired spot. The higher the column is on the list, the more left it will appear in the transactions table.

Note: When adjusting each of these, make sure to Apply those changes. (Depending on your screen you may have to scroll down to hit the Apply button.)

Above most transactions tables, you’ll see some transaction stats. This is super helpful to see a summary of the information in the table below. With one button click, you can even choose to Show Additional Stats, which expands the amount of data you see to gain even greater insights.

And above all of this, specifically when viewing the Transactions Panel in Giving, you also have the ability to add manual, offline donation records, so you can keep track of all donations in your church within Nucleus Giving, not just digital giving brought in via your GivingFlow 🤯

Click here to learn more about adding an offline donation.

If you need to see specific details about a gift, simply click anywhere on the transaction you want more info on, or hit the View button.

Download Reports

Once you’re happy with the columns that you see in a financial table, and you’ve set all the filters (date or other types) so you’re only viewing the transactions you want to see, you can download a transactions report.

To do this, click on Download above the table. You can select to Include All Report Columns or Only Include Currently Selected.

If you want to download every single detail of every donation you see (based on your filters), you can select Include All Report Columns. But if you’re happy with the amount of details you see for each donation, select Only Include Currently Selected.

Then, click the Download button. This will export your chosen financial data into a .csv file on your device, which can be opened by, or imported into, most spreadsheet or financial programs.

Note: To ensure that the correct dates and times appear for each donation, make sure that you have the correct time zone listed in your Church Settings. Otherwise, some donations may appear as being given a day later or earlier than is actually accurate, depending on the time of day they donated to your church. to learn how to adjust your Nucleus account's time zone, click here.

Manage Individual Transaction Records

Above, we briefly mentioned that you can see specific details about a particular donation by clicking the View button on a donation.

Here, you can also adjust certain details about the donation, such as the fund it was given to, any memo that was added to it, or even assign it to a different person.

To learn more about how to manage and update transaction records, click here.

Transfers (Batch Deposits) & Reconciliation

Nucleus deposits funds to your church’s bank account in batch deposits. We like to call these Transfers because the funds are being transferred to your bank account. How frequently you’ll see funds deposited to your account and the difference between credit card and ACH deposits can all be found here. But for now, let’s quickly explore where the Transfers Panel is and how to manage it.

Note: You will need to have at least Financial Assistant level admin access in order to view this. If you don’t, you’ll need to request that access be given to you by whoever set up your Nucleus account.

To get there, go to your Church Settings. Then click on Financial Account. You should automatically land on your Transfers Panel, but here’s a quick link just in case.

The Transfers Panel should feel familiar, and also showcases stats specifically regarding your batch deposits.

To learn more about reconciliation and how to manage your Transfers, click here.

What Next?

Now that you’re familiar with transaction tables and how to run giving reports in Nucleus, you’re becoming a pro! Check out these other guides that will help you continue on your journey:

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