Manage My Profile (Personal & Contact Info)

If you have a personal Nucleus account, you can add a variety of personal information and contact info to your profile. This can be helpful for a couple of reasons:

  • To ensure you have enough details for your annual giving statement if you donate to your church through their Nucleus GivingFlow.
  • To quickly pull your profile details in any Flow you fill out that requires personal and contact details, like your name, email address, etc. rather than having to manually input those details every time you fill out a Flow.

Adding and editing your profile information is super easy.

To get started, login to and click My Account. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Add & Update Your Personal Information

While in My Account in your personal Nucleus account, you'll see three tabs in the submenu: OverviewPersonal Info, and Contact Info.

The Overview tab showcases some of the information from both your Personal Info and Contact Info sections. To add & update information for your personal information, click Personal Info.

Click here for a quick link.

Profile Image

First, you can add a profile image by either dragging and dropping an image to the profile picture box, or by clicking + Add Image. Doing this will open your device's file browser where you can select and upload both .jpeg and .png image files.

For best results, the photo should be a 1:1 ratio (i.e. a square), or the subject of the image should be relatively centered in the photo.

This photo will show in the top right corner of your Nucleus Account, and will also be shared with your church when they view your profile in their people records database.

Name Information

Below this, you can add as many or as few details for your name.

We recommend including at least a first and last name to make it easier to complete your church's Flows and to ensure your name shows correctly on annual giving statements (if your church uses Nucleus Giving for online donations).

Note: A middle initial is required for Canadian profiles who wish to receive an annual giving from their church who uses Nucleus Giving.

Additional Information

And below this, you can add some extra information to your profile. While this isn't necessary to include, it can be helpful to include this information depending on the Flow you're filling out, if the Flow asks for this information.

Any changes you make, don't forget to scroll down and click Save Changes.

Add & Update Your Contact Information

While in My Account in your personal Nucleus account, you'll see three tabs in the submenu: OverviewPersonal Info, and Contact Info.

The Overview tab showcases some of the information from both your Personal Info and Contact Info sections. To add & update information for your contact information, click Contact InfoClick here for a quick link.

Email Addresses

When viewing your contact info for the first time, you will see one email address listed already. This is the email address you would have used to sign into your personal Nucleus account.

Your email address should be verified in order to ensure all submissions (including donation records) are correctly linked to your account. (This is extremely important for anyone wishing to receive an annual giving statement if your church uses Nucleus Giving for their online donation platform.)

If you see that your email address is unverified, please follow our visual guide to Verify Your Email Address.

To add a new email address, click + Add New above the Email Addresses section.

Enter your email address in the field that appears and then click Add Email.

At this point, Nucleus will have sent a verification email to that email address. As already stated, it's important for any email address you have listed in your account to be verified. You can check that email address' inbox for a verification email sent from Nucleus. But if you're unsure of what to do or if you can't find the verification email, please view our visual guide, Verify Your Email Address.

You can delete any additional email addresses on your account, but you cannot delete the address listed as the Sign In Email. To learn how to change the email address you sign in with, click here.

Why add more than one email address?

Adding more than one email address to your account can be helpful to ensure all submissions (donations, prayer requests, and other registrations) are linked with your Nucleus account. If you enter an email address that is not associated with your personal Nucleus account, then that submission will be associated with a different Nucleus account.

So adding multiple email address to your personal Nucleus account ensures that, no matter what email address you use to link your submission with, the submission will be associated with your personal Nucleus account.

Phone Numbers

Below your email addresses are your phone numbers. Click + Add New to add a phone number.

Type in your phone number and then from the dropdown menu, you can choose a label for it: home, work, mobile, fax, or other. Then click Save Changes.

To delete a phone number, hover over it and click the Delete button that appears.


At the bottom of the page, you can add various addresses to your account. Click + Add New to do that.

You can use the text field to search for an address. As you begin typing, results will appear, and you can click on yours once it appears in the list of suggestions. If you don't see your address appear, continue typing your address until it shows up.

It's possible that your address will not appear in the suggested list. In that case, you can click Enter Manually, where you can then enter your address in its entirety.

Above this, you can label your address as home, work, or mailing. Then click Save Changes.

To delete an address, hover over it and click the Delete button that appears.

Update Your Primary Contact Details

When you first click My Account (from either the homepage when you first login - i.e. My Stuff - or from the dropdown menu in the top left corner), you'll see your profile's Overview page. Here's a quick link to see that.

Here, you'll see all the main details of your personal information (with a quick option to Edit), along with any of your main/primary pieces of contact information.

If you have more than one email, phone number, or address added to your Contact Info page, you can click the dropdown menu for each item to select the primary version of each item.

If you make any changes here, scroll down and click Save Changes.

Whatever primary information is saved here will be the information Nucleus uses to automatically fill out any step in your church's Launcher that requires those pieces of contact information.

What Next?

As you fill out your profile information, you might be curious how to update your login credentials, manage your payment methods, or even how to reset your password (in case you can't login to your personal account next time). Feel free to check out these visual guides to help you manage your entire account:

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