Verify Your Email Address

While it may not seem like an important thing to do, if you've ever donated to your church through your church's GivingFlow, you'll want to make sure you've verified your email address.

If you don't, then it's likely some, several, or even all your donations will not be properly linked to your personal Nucleus account. So if you've ever looked through your transactions and seem to be missing donations, the first thing to check is to see if you've verified your email address.

Let's take a look at how easy it is to verify your email address.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

The First Verification Email

The first time you submit an email address through Nucleus' platform (i.e. when you donate through the GivingFlow, submit a request through the PrayerFlow, or sign up for something through another type of Flow), Nucleus will automatically send you up to two emails. (These emails will come from

The first email will be a digital receipt of your submission.

The second email will be a verification email. That email will contain instructions to click on the button in the email. Clicking on this button is all it takes to verify your email. It's that simple 😎

Whitelist Our Email Addresses

With email providers/hosts becoming more and more aggressive with blocking spam and junk email, it can be helpful to ensure our email addresses are added as "safe sender" in your email settings. This is knowing as "whitelisting".

Below are the two email addresses you should whitelist to ensure that any verification, password reset, or any other type of email lands in your inbox and you don't miss it.

Each email provider has their own set of instructions on how to do this. Below is a link to instructions for some of the more popular email providers: How to Whitelist an Email Address.

  • Gmail
  • Outlook
  • Yahoo
  • AOL
  • Zoho
  • ProtonMail

If you don't see yours listed below, you might be able to search online to find instructions for your specific email provider.

Resend The Verification Email

If you didn't do anything with the original verification email (whether because you forgot about it, because it landed in your spam and you didn't see it, or your email provider didn't even allow the email to make it that far in your inbox), don't worry! You can always resend yourself a verification email.

But before you do this, it's best practice to whitelist our email addresses to make sure your email provider doesn't send the verification email to spam (or possibly not allow the email to reach you at all). Click here to jump up to the previous section if you haven't yet done this.

If you've already whitelisted our email addresses or you'd like to take your chances, here's how to resend the verification email to yourself.

First, login to using the email address you would have entered with the original submission to your church and whatever password you created when you initially created your personal My Nucleus account. (If you haven't yet created a password, you should be able to do so now.)

Note: If you've forgotten your password and need to reset it, you can also do so on that page. However, we recommend whitelisting our email addresses before doing so to make sure you receive the email from us. Click here for a visual guide on resetting your password.

Once logged in, click My Account.

Then click Contact Info.

Beside your email, click Resend Verification.

Within a few minutes, you should see an email from us in your inbox with a button to verify your email address.

Note: If you don't see the email after a few minutes, wait a few more before clicking the button again. Do not click the button to resend the email multiple times in a row. Doing this can send a message to the system in charge of sending/delivering our emails and recognize it as spam, and will stop all our emails from sending.

Note: If you have more than one verification email from us in your inbox, be sure to click the most recent email. Clicking on the button in a previous email might not work.

Once you've verified your address, you should see all transactions associated with your email address properly recored in your account.

If you think you're still missing transaction records after doing this, don't worry! You can always use the Receipt Lookup Tool to locate a record of your donation and claim it. Click here for a full visual guide on how to do this.

Only Nucleus Account Per Verified Email Address

While you can have multiple email addresses associated with one Nucleus account, once an email address is verified to that account, it cannot be used on a different My Nucleus account.

If, for whatever reason, you would like to use an already verified email address for another Nucleus account, as long as you have more than one address in your Contact Info, you can always remove it from your current Nucleus account. This frees it up to be used for another Nucleus account.

If the email address you wish to remove is currently listed as your Sign In Email, you will need to switch what email address you use to sign in with before deleting it from your account.

To do this, click on Account Access.

In the dropdown menu under Sign In Email Address, choose a different email. Then click Change My Login.

Go back to My Profile and to Contact Info. Now you should be able to click Delete on the email address. (Just remember you updated your login email address, so if/when you log out of your account, the next time you login, you'll need to use the updated email address.)

What Next?

Verifying your email address is one of the most important housekeeping tasks for your Nucleus account. But you might be curious what other types of tasks you can do to make sure your account is up to date. Click any of the visual guides below to learn more:

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