Manage My Scheduled & Recurring Gifts

After setting up any recurring donation, it's likely that you'll need to make changes to it in the future. You can easily do this in your personal Nucleus account, where you can fully deactivate or delete a scheduled donation, or simply update the following details for the next time the automatic donation is made:

  • Donation Amount
  • Payment Method
  • Receipt Email
  • Memo

To get started, login to and click My Giving. Then select Schedules. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Types Of Scheduled Donations

There are two types of scheduled donations you can create:

A one-time donation that is scheduled to be given in the future on a specific date.

A recurring donation that operates on a specific schedule (e.g. every week, once a month, etc.). You can also create a recurring donation that is set to begin in the future on a specific date.

Note: Since, in both cases, each type of donation is attached to a schedule of some sort, one-time scheduled donations and all recurring donations are technically scheduled donations.

Find & Manage Your Scheduled Gifts

To locate and manage your scheduled donations, click My Giving when you arrive in your personal Nucleus account. (If you're somewhere else in your Dashboard, click the Nucleus logo in the top left corner and click My Giving.)

From there, click on Schedules in the top menu. Click here for a quick link.

Here, you can see any scheduled donation that you've set up. By default, you'll see all your currently active scheduled donations.

In most cases (unless you've set up many, many scheduled donations), you should be able to easily see all of your scheduled donations. But if you need to, you can use the search bar to look up a specific donation, or click on Filters and find a specific donation that way (including looking up an inactivate recurring donation).

If you change any filters, make sure to scroll down and click Apply.

Once you've found the scheduled donation you're looking for, click View to see its details and to make adjustments to it.

Can't Find Your Recurring Donation?

Sometimes, you might not find the recurring donation you're looking for, even though you know it's active and payments are being taken from your credit card or bank account.

There are a couple of reasons this can happen.

Your email address is unverified.

If you haven't yet verified your email address in our system, certain transaction records will not be linked with your personal Nucleus account.

You can quickly check to see if your email address is verified by clicking the Nucleus logo in the top left and selecting My Account. From there, select Contact Info in the submenu.

Here, you should be able to see if your email address is verified or not.

If your email address is unverified, please read over this visual guide before you click the button to resend the email to yourself to make sure the verification email actually lands in your inbox.

Your recurring donation is unclaimed.

If your email address is verified, and you still can't see your recurring donation in your personal account, it's quite possible that you originally set up your recurring donation without entering in your email address.

If that's the case, it's likely your donation is just waiting to be claimed by you 😊

If you click on Transactions in the top menu and then select Missing a Donation?, you can then click to Open the Receipt Lookup Tool.

Here, you can enter some details about your recurring donation (just enter the date for the last time it was given) and you can check whether your donation can be claimed or not.

We have an entire visual guide on claiming missing donations. Click here to see that.

You recurring donation is already claimed to a different account.

If you use the Receipt Lookup Tool and see that your donation is already claimed, yet you can't see a record of it in your personal Nucleus account, what's likely happened is that you initially set up your recurring donation using a different email address, and that email address is tied to a different Nucleus account.

If this is the situation you find yourself in, send our Customer Success team a message to, letting us know the details of the missing recurring donation, and we'll be able to help link that donation to the correct account 😎

Edit Your Recurring Donation Amount, Email Receipt & Memo

While viewing a scheduled donation, you can see all the details pertaining to it.

To quickly make any adjustments to those details, click Edit. Now you can adjust various pieces of information about your donation.

Simply enter a new dollar amount in the first field to change the amount of your intended donation. The field beside it will automatically change to the amount you will donate in total to cover the transaction fee.

Below this, you can click the dropdown menu to select a new payment method that you want to link to this donation. If you need to link a new payment method to your donation that you haven't yet added to your Nucleus account see below on how to do that.

Below this, you can change the email address you wish the digital receipt to be sent to each time the donation is made, along with adding/updating a memo that your church admin will see while viewing the details of your donation.

Any edits you make, don't forget to click Save Changes below.

Add A New Payment Method For Your Scheduled Gift

If you need to update a recurring donation with a payment method that you haven't yet added to your saved payment methods in your Nucleus account, here's how you can quickly do that.

First, click Payment Methods in the top menu.

Note: This will take you out of My Giving to My AccountClick here for a quick link.

Here, you can delete an old payment method or add a new one.

Click + Add New to begin adding a new payment method. Then choose the type of payment method.

Now, enter the details of your payment method.

If you're entering a bank account for your payment method, you can utilize the Plaid integration to find your bank institution and then login using your online bank login credentials.

For an entire visual guide on how to add a payment method via Plaid, click here.

If you can't find your bank, they don't have a partnership with Plaid and you'll just need to enter your account info manually instead.

Once finished, click Save Payment Method.

Now that you've saved a new payment method to your account, it's time to link it to your recurring donation. In the top left, click the Nucleus logo and select My Giving. Then choose the Schedules tab. Click here for a quick link.

Click to View your recurring donation.

While viewing your donation's details, click Edit and then click the dropdown menu under Payment Method.

Select the new payment method you just added and then click Save Changes.

Deactivate Or Delete Your Recurring Donation

For a variety of reasons, you might need to cancel a recurring donation. There are two options you can take:

Deactivate: This allows you to maintain access to your recurring donation in case you want to be able to reactivate it in the future. (Sometimes we just need to cancel a recurring donation for a short amount of time.)

Delete: If you don't think you'll ever need to reactivate your recurring donation, you can always fully delete it. All previous donations made from this recurring schedule will still exist in your Transactions Panel, but you will no longer be able to see or edit its details in your Schedules Panel.

Whatever option you need to take, while viewing your scheduled gifts here, click to the view the one in question.

Click Actions, and then choose to Deactivate Schedule or Delete Schedule your recurring donation.

In both cases, you will need to confirm your selection.

As soon as you confirm, your scheduled donation will no longer be active.

Reactivate Your Scheduled Donation

If you've deactivated a recurring donation in the past and you'd like to reactivate it, you can easily do so.

While viewing your scheduled gifts here, click to the view the one in question.

Click Reactivate Schedule. 

Then confirm your selection in the next window.

Now your recurring donation will be given again according to the schedule information.

Change The Frequency Of Your Recurring Donation

While editing your recurring donation's information, you might have noticed it isn't possible to change its schedule or frequency. This is because your recurring donation has a unique identifier that is intrinsically tied to that specific schedule.

Changing the schedule/frequency would ultimately require a new unique ID, and the only way to do this is by creating/setting up a new scheduled donation in your church's GivingFlow.

If you need to update the frequency of your recurring donation, you will need to either deactivate or delete the current one. (See above for instructions on how to do this.) Then, click Transactions in the top menu and select Give Again.

This will take you to your church's GivingFlow, where you can set up a new recurring donation.

What Next?

Once you learn how to edit a scheduled/recurring gift, the next time you need to do this, it'll be like riding a bike 🚴‍♂️ You'll remember how to do it with ease 😌

While in your Nucleus account, you might also find the following visual guides helpful while managing your donations (or just trying to login to your account to begin with 😅)

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