Manage People Profiles In Nucleus Flows

Once someone submits a Flow, not only will their submission information be sent to your Nucleus Church Account, but a person record will appear in that specific Flow's Results and in your overall People Panel in Nucleus Flows.

Below, we'll explore where/how to manage people profiles and records specifically within Nucleus Flows. But if you're new to Nucleus people records, we highly recommend checking out our visual guide on Understanding People Profiles In Nucleus. This will be foundational in understanding what information can be seen and/or augmented in a person record.

But if you're already familiar with people records in Nucleus, then let's continue onwards.

To get started, click the Nucleus logo in the top left and select Flows. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Admin Access & Permission Levels

Depending on the level of admin access and permission levels will determine what people records you're able to view, and how you're able to interact with them.

If you only have access to specific Flows, you will only be able to view people records for those specific Flows.

Moreover, depending on what level of permissions you have, you might be able to only view people records, whereas other permission levels will let you edit and/or hide people records.

To learn more about admin access and permission levels for Nucleus Flows, click here.

Two Areas To Manage People

Depending on whether you're wanting to view an entire list of all people who have submitted a Flow, or just people who have submitted for a specific Flow, you have two areas where you can view your people list.

All People

If you want to view every person record that has submitted at least one Flow, you can do so by clicking People from the main menu in Nucleus Flows.

This can be helpful if you aren't subscribed to Nucleus Messages, which contains all people records from other contexts within Nucleus (i.e. People records associated with giving records or prayer requests, but not associated with any custom Flows), and you want to see an entire list of your Nucleus people database.

Click here to learn more about how to manage your people records in this view.

People Per Flow

While viewing all your people records at once can be helpful, limiting your view to only people records for a particular Flow can also be useful.

While viewing All Flows, click on one to Manage.

In the left sidebar, click Results. Then click the People tab in the submenu.

Here, you'll see a similar table to the one you saw while viewing all your people records, except these records will only be for that particular Flow.

Note: There are other parts to viewing a Flow's results, like the actual submissions themselves, or any transactions or counts. To learn more about managing those aspects of a Flow's results, click here.

To learn more about how to manage people records for a specific Flow, click here.

Find & Manage All Your Flows People Records

To quickly see all the people records that are associated with at least one Flow, click People in the main menu of Nucleus Flows.

By default, all the people will be displayed in alphabetical order. You can quickly reverse this order by clicking on the Name column.

If you want to sort people by a different category, simply click on the title of another column. Your list will be sorted either alphabetically or numerically in order. Click that same column title again to swap the order from top to bottom, or bottom to top.

You can use the search bar to quickly look up someone's name, email address, phone number, age, and more to find a specific person.

Using the Filters, you can select/input various options to display only people records that match those specific parameters.

Scroll down, click Apply, and then watch as the table populates people according to your new filters.

Using the Date Picker, you can choose to search for a specific type of date (date the record was created or last updated, or for specific birthdays or anniversaries. Then you can toggle between some quick selections, manually enter a specific start and end date range, or use the calendar to select a specific date range (spanning whatever length of time you desire).

Click Apply and then watch as the table populates people records according to your specified type of date range.

Clicking on Columns, you can toggle various columns to display or not display in the table.

Additionally, you can click the two lines on any column, and drag & drop it in your new desired order.

Scroll down and click Apply, and you'll see the table update with your columns updated to display exactly the information you're needing to see.

If you ever need to download people records, simply click the Download button, select whether you want all available data or just the columns that you've selected (i.e. what you can see in the table), and then click Download again. You'll be able to open that .csv file in any spreadsheet program.

While hovering over a person record, depending on your admin permission level, you might be able to hide a person record. This can be helpful if you no longer wish to see someone show up in your list. (e.g. Perhaps they no longer attend your church.)

To view the actual profile details of a person record, click View Profile.

Here, you'll be able to see a bunch of details about that specific person. (To learn more about how to update & augment someone's profile information, click here.)

Clicking on Submissions in the submenu, you can see all the Flows that particular person has submitted.

Additionally, you can click between the two types of Transactions and see any transaction history for that person, specifically for transactions made via a Payment Step in a Flow (not via the GivingFlow).

To learn more about how to manage submissions and transactions in Nucleus Flows, click here.

Manage People Records For A Specific Flow

If you're more interested in seeing people who have submitted a particular Flow, click All Flows and select which Flow you'd like to Manage.

In the left sidebar, click Results. Then choose People from the submenu.

Here, you will see all the people who have submitted that Flow.

Note: The table you see here will be identical to viewing all people records in Nucleus Flows. To learn how to manage and sort through your people list, review the above section.

Download People Record Reports

While already covered in a previous section above, it's an important enough feature to call out in its own section here.

Whether managing a specific Flow and viewing that Flow's people records, or viewing your master list of all your people records for all your Flows, you can download your people records in a .csv file. Simply click Download and you'll be able to open the downloaded file in any spreadsheet program of your choosing.

Note: While this can be super helpful, especially when relating to sign-ups for events that you can use for check-ins on the day of the event, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that leaves our system. So please take caution - especially with submissions that contain sensitive or personal information - in how you handle any downloaded reports.

Update & Augment People Information

Before diving into the nitty gritty of a person’s profile, it’s important to note that if you have the permission to edit people records, you can update & augment profiles in your people database.

Generally, we recommend allowing people from your church to keep their own personal contact and profile information up to date themselves; however, there may be times when, as an admin, you need to update or add information to someone's profile.

To learn about people record permissions, and the levels that allow an admin to edit records, click here.

Once you, as an admin, have edited or added information to a person’s profile, this information will show up for you and other admin team members across your Nucleus Dashboard anywhere that person appears in People lists; however, admin edits will not appear inside the person's personal My Nucleus account. For a person to update the information they see inside their account, they would need to login and update it themselves.

Admin changes are more like profile notes and will appear only to themselves and other people with admin access to their church's Nucleus Dashboard. This is because Nucleus allows for the best of both worlds:

  1. People can keep their profile updated and any new info they share via a Flow, etc. is automatically copied into the church’s version of the profile, updating previously saved info by the person, or adding brand new info that wasn't previously there.
  2. Information or notes the admin adds don’t sync back to the person so admins can keep their view the way they like it without deleting or removing something from a person’s personal account without their permission, or accidentally revealing internal notes.

To update a person’s profile information, find a person in your people database In Nucleus Flows and click the View Profile button beside their entry.

Components Of A Profile

There are several components of a person’s profile. Depending on how much detail an admin (or the person behind the profile) has added will determine how much information you see while viewing a profile. Below are the various components:

Connection Type

A person’s Connection Type describes what kind of relationship a person has with your church. Are they a visitor, a regular attender, a member, etc.? When a Connection Type is added to a profile, that person is then added to that particular Connection List. This also means that if you have any privacy controls enabled in other products, that particular Connection Type might prohibit - or enable! - them from accessing a particular aspect of your Nucleus Suite (e.g. access to your church’s Prayer Wall).

To learn more about Connection Types, click here.

If a Connection Type has not been added to a profile, it will simply say Connection Type. To change what Connection Type someone has, click on the dropdown menu and select the appropriate one.

Note: You can only add one Connection Type to a profile. (For instance, you can’t be both a visitor and a member. That wouldn’t make any sense 😅)

Person Card (Primary Contact/Account Card)

The Person Card will display as the Nucleus ID Profile. If the person record whose profile you’re viewing is a digitally created record, you cannot augment the details shown there: name, primary email address, primary phone number. These pieces of information will always be controlled by the person on the other side of the account.

However, if this is a manually created person record, the pieces of information displayed there will coincide with the name, email address, and phone number entered below the Person Card in the Contact Info section.

Contact Info

The Contact Info section consists of a person’s email addresses, phone numbers, and postal address. For each point of contact, you can label it to further help organize and categorize those details.

Personal Info

The Personal Info section contains several pieces of information you - or the actual person - can include to round out their profile. This includes name information, gender, marital status, birth date and anniversary, as well as a place to upload a profile picture.


From time to time, it can be helpful to include additional information that doesn’t quite fit in the above categories. This could include other important dates (like when they were baptized) or allergy information. These notes are not shared with the person and are not showcased in their account while they’re viewing their own profile, but are visible to you and other admin team members.

Member + Person IDs

If you keep track of member IDs, you can manually enter one in that matches your church’s ID system. It’s helpful to note that every single person record is automatically assigned a unique Nucleus Person ID. While people can have the same names, or potentially have duplicate accounts, searching for a Nucleus Person ID is the most accurate way to find a specific person record.

Note: When submitting inquiries to our Customer Success Team regarding specific people records, it’s always helpful to include the Nucleus Person ID, rather than just the name and/or email address associated with the person record.

What's next?

Now that you're a pro at managing submissions and people record in Nucleus Flows, you might be wondeing what that Transactions Panel is all about. Power by Nucleus Giving, you can add a Payment Step in any Flow and take in online payments without needing to setup another avenue for people to pay for things they're signing up for in a Flow. Here are some guides to learn more about that:

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