Add Conditional Logic To A Step

Do you ever create a Flow and sometimes encounter steps that are necessary to include, but might not pertain to every person who fills out the Flow? Including a step like this for those people not only makes the Flow longer than it needs to be, but also requires them to fill out information that's not pertinent to them.

On the flip side, if you choose not to include it, then you'll be missing out on potentially crucial information from the other portion of people who will be completing the Flow.

Thankfully, Nucleus allows you to enable conditional logic to most steps in your Flow for specific cases like this.

To get started, go to manage/build a Flow. Click here for a quick link to go to all your Flows.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Use Conditional Logic Sparingly

Just like with all Flows you build, every step should be intentional. This is why all steps are set to "required" by default. The more steps you include that don't apply to the majority of people filling out the Flow, the greater the chances of people giving up partway through completing the Flow.

So don't get too carried away. Too many optional questions makes Flows feel unreasonably arduous and make people feel like they might be on the wrong path. Make sure if you choose to make a step optional (either by allowing people to skip it, or by using conditional logic), the Flow still feels purposeful and intentional.

For any optional question, ask yourself if it really needs to be included at all. And if you find yourself adding conditional logic to the majority of steps in a Flow, it might be best to reconsider who the audience is that you're targeting with the Flow and rework your steps to better suit that audience.

Steps Where You Can't Enable Conditional Logic

By design, there are two steps that you cannot enable conditional logic on:

Smart Contact Step: This step is always required to ensure consistent experience and behavior across all Flows.

Info Step: This step manages its own internal options as part of the step configuration, so a qualifying yes/no question doesn't actually make sense here. (Plus, if you're wanting to introduce information in the middle of a Flow, it's likely you want everyone completing the Flow to see it.)

All other steps in a Flow, you can enable conditional logic on. So let's see how easy it is to set up!

Add Conditional Logic To A Step

On a step where you see, "Is this step required?" select Use Conditional Logic.

This will showcase some fields you'll use to set this up.

Conditional logic in a step relies on asking a question, and based on the answer selected, Nucleus will either show or skip the step.

While thinking of what question to ask, it's important to note that the "yes" answer will tell Nucleus to show the rest of the step, whereas the "no" answer will tell Nucleus to skip the step.

It's helpful to think of an actual use case where conditional logic can be valuable in order to understand how this works.

Let's say you're creating a Plan A Visit Flow, and you want to know if someone is planning on bringing anyone else with them.

For the person filling out the Flow, you can use the Smart Contact Step. But for all the other possible people they could be bringing, you can add the Additional Contact Step. And here is where the conditional logic can shine.

With the stage set above, you could ask the question, "Will anyone else be joining with you?"

And if you really want, you can add some examples in the description field: "Spouse, significant other, children, etc."

By default, the "yes" and "no" options will present as just "yes" or "no" options. But you can always customize this. In this instance, you could be more specific and say, "Yes, I will be bringing other(s)" and "No one else will be joining with me."

Lastly, you can edit the Summary Prefix. By default it will say, "Chose:" and then whatever option they chose for the yes/no question. While "chose" likely works in most cases, feel free to customize this if you'd like.

Note: For more information on the Summary Prefix, click here.

And that's it! Below this, you can edit the step as you normally would. For a refresher on how to edit steps, click here.

Add A Follow-Up Question To A Multiple Choice Step

While not always necessary, it can sometimes be helpful to gain more context for someone's selection in a Multiple Choice Step.

For instance, let's say there's a potluck coming up, and you've created a Flow for people to let you know what they're bringing.

In your Multiple Choice Step, you have the following choices:

  • Drinks
  • Appetizer
  • EntrĂ©e
  • Dessert

But those choices don't tell you specifically what people will be bringing. To help provide more details, you can add a follow-up for each item selected for the person filling out the Flow to let you know what they plan on bringing.

Let's see how this works.

On an item in your Multiple Choice Step, click Edit. Then click the toggle switch to the "on" position to ask a follow-up question. This will act as an additional Info Step, but will only display if this specific option is selected in the Multiple Choice Step.

You can now ask a question with an optional description. You can also edit the summary prefix and choose whether to allow for a short or long answer.

When someone selects this option in the Flow, they will then be presented with this question, along with the reason why they're seeing this question (as shown below).

Using the follow-up question in a Multiple Choice Step can be a great way to bolster your Flow, but ensures those questions only display when it makes sense.

What Next?

Using conditional logic sparingly in your Flows is a fantastic way to obtain important information from certain people without asking unnecessary information from other people. It's also a great way to utilize one of the many advanced features within Nucleus Flows. Check out some of the other advanced features you might be able to utilize:

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