Manage & Download Flow Submissions

Once someone submits a Flow, that information is sent directly to your Nucleus account. As you accumulate submissions, it's important to know where they exist how to manage them - especially if you're the one in charge of a particular Flow 😁

To get started, click the Nucleus logo in the top left corner and select Flows. Click here for a quick link.

In this guide, we'll cover the following topics. Click on any one to jump ahead.

Admin Access & Permission Levels

What Flows and submissions you're able to see when viewing Flows depends on the admin access you currently have. For instance, if you only have access to certain Flows, then you will only be able to see submissions made for those specific Flows.

Additionally, if you have View Only permissions for a Flow, you will be unable to delete individual submission records.

You can find more information Flow admin levels and notifications here.

Three Areas To View Submissions

Depending on the type of information you're seeking - or more specifically, depending on the context in which you want to view your Flow submissions - there are three areas you can do so:

All Submissions

If you want to view every submission from every Flow that you've created, you can easily do so by logging into your account, going to Flows, and clicking the Submissions tab.

If you're in charge of keeping track of every submission that comes through your Flows, viewing your submissions here can be a useful place to do that, especially if you have a good rhythm of checking your submissions regularly.

Note: If you never want to miss another submission, click here to learn how to enable email notifications for your Flows.

Click here to learn more about how to manage your submissions in this view.

Submissions Per Flow

Often it will be helpful to view Submissions by the particular Flow, so that you can easily see all the responses to a single Flow in one place. To do this, go to Flows, and while viewing the All Flows, click on one to Manage.

Then in the left sidebar, click Results.

Here, you'll see a similar table to the one you saw while viewing all your submissions, except these submissions will only be for that particular Flow. You'll also notice an additional submenu that contains at minimum Submissions and People. Depending on how your Flow is set up, you might also see a tab for Transactions and Counts.

To learn more about how to manage submissions for a specific Flow, click here.

Submissions Per Person

While most times, you'll likely be moving between viewing all your submissions and viewing submissions for a particular Flow, sometimes it's helpful to view submissions from a specific person record. This can be especially useful if you're wanting to keep tabs on how many next steps or how often people are taking next steps (at least in the context of what you can submit for through Flows).

To view Submission results by person, while viewing the person's People record, click Submissions in the submenu and you'll see any submissions they've sent through Nucleus Flows. (You can also toggle between Flow Transactions and Flow Transactions (offline) to view any of those types of submissions.

To learn more about how to find people records and manage their submissions, click here.

Manage All Submissions

To quickly see any and all submissions that have been sent through your Flows, click Submissions in the main menu of Nucleus Flows.

Note: Anytime you have new submissions (or any submissions that are not "marked as done"), you will see a notification number show up in the main menu.

Here, you will see all your submissions listed in order of most to least recently submitted.

To easily find a specific submission, you can use the search bar to quickly look up someone's name or email address, or even specific words used in their submissions responses.

Using the Filters is another way you can quickly view a specific selection of Submissions. Using the Filters option you can toggle between seeing all submissions, only new ones, or ones that are marked as done.

Additionally, you can choose to only view submissions from specific Flows. Just select the Flows that you want to view Submissions for, then scroll down, click Apply, and then watch as the table populates submissions according to your new filters.

Using the Date Picker, you can toggle between some quick selections, manually enter a specific start and end date range, or use the calendar to select a specific date range (spanning whatever length of time you desire).

Click Apply and then watch as the table populates submissions according to your specified date range.

While viewing your submissions, you can quickly mark them as "done" or as "new" to help you keep track of which ones you've already taken into account.

Clicking the down arrow will also present some additional options for a particular submission: ViewMark As Done/NewArchive, or Delete.

Once you archive a submission, you can view it (along with all other archived submissions) by clicking Show Archived.

To restore an archived submissions, simply click the down arrow on one and click Restore. Then to view all your active submissions again, click Hide Archived.

If you'd rather completely delete a submission, you will have to confirm your selection. Click the drop down beside the archived Submission that you want to delete. Click the Delete option, then click the Delete Now confirmation that appears.

Note: We almost never recommend fully deleting submissions for a number of reasons.

  1. You will never run out of space in our database, so why delete when you can safely archive submissions instead?
  2. Unless you've downloaded the submission, that data will be lost forever. Keeping and maintaining accurate records - especially if they contain important data - is an important housekeeping task for all churches to practice.
  3. Deleting records for a Flow with any counts or limits will alter the numbers represented there.
  4. In the case of counts or limits, this can be one reason where you might actually want to delete a submission if you've sent a test Flow through or if someone has chosen to back out of whatever they signed up for, and you need to adjust the counts/limits based on that submission not being relevant anymore.

When you view a submission by clicking on the submission in your All Flows list, you will be able to view the entire submission's details:

    • If the Smart Contact step was enabled, you can quickly view that person's profile and person record. (Click here to learn more about how to manage people records in Nucleus Flows.)
    • What Flow they submitted their information through, with a quick link to view/manage that Flow.
    • The actual information submitted through the Flow.
    • The date and time the information was submitted.

You can quickly mark the submission as "done" or back to as "new" within the Submission details so that you and your team can easily see which Submissions are new, and which have already been handled. You can also click Actions and choose to PrintArchive, or Delete the submission.

Instead of going back to view all your submissions, you can easily move from one submission to the next by using the Previous and Nextbuttons. Of course, you are more than free to go Back to All as well.

Manage Submissions For A Specific Flow

To view submissions for a specific Flow, click All Flows and select which Flow you'd like to Manage.

Then in the left sidebar, click Results.

Note: Anytime you have new submissions (or any submissions that are not "marked as done"), you will see a notification number show up beside that item in the sidebar.

Here, you will see all your submissions for that Flow in order of most to least recently submitted.

Note: The table you see here will be near identical to viewing all your submissions, but there are some unique features while viewing a specific Flow's submissions. For an overview of managing your submissions, review the above section.

While you can only mark individual submissions as "done" or "new", here you can quickly Mark all as Done or Mark all as New.

Additionally, you can also click Download to download a report of all your submissions in a .csv file, which you can open in any spreadsheet program.

Note: While this can be super helpful, especially when relating to sign-ups for events that you can use for check-ins on the day of the event, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that leaves our system. So please take caution - especially with submissions that contain sensitive or personal information - in how you handle any downloaded reports.

Note: The reason you cannot download reports while viewing your submissions for all Flows is because each Flow has unique items of information that they collect. Each unique piece of information is contained in their own columns in the report, so creating a report that contains every column of information would be impractical and not a useful report.

Above the search bar, you'll notice a submenu that may contain the following four items, depending on the settings you've enabled on your Flow: Submissions, People, Counts, Transactions. (You will always see Submissions and People.)

By clicking on People, you can see a list of every person who has completed this particular Flow, and much in the same way that you can manage your submissions, you can search for a specific person. Use the Filters to see specific people who match that criteria. Or use the Date Picker to search for people based on the date their person record was created or last updated, or based on their birthdate or their anniversary.

You can also click Columns to see more/less information in the table by toggling on/off specific details, as well as rearrange the order the columns appear by clicking the two lines on an item, and dragging it up/down to your desired order. (Don't forgot to scroll down and click Apply.) Your table will change accordingly.

And just like with your submissions, you can also click to Download a .csv report of all your people records for this particular Flow.

Note: While this can be super helpful, especially when relating to sign-ups for events that you can use for check-ins on the day of the event, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that leaves our system. So please take caution in how you handle any downloaded personal information.

Clicking on a person record, you can view their profile information. If you have the correct admin permissions, you can also edit their contact and personal information, as well as add notes. You can also change the Connection Type that is added to their person record.

To learn more about managing people records and profiles in Nucleus Flows, click here.

The Counts tab will appear if you have any limits (quantity or scheduled) set on your Flow. Specifically regarding quantity limits, this tab allows you to oversee what items in a Multiple Choice Step have been selected and how many more are available to be selected.

For more information Counts and Quantity Limits for Flows, click here.

The Transactions tab will appear if you have an active Payment Step on your Flow. All transactions made through that Payment Step will appear here. This table can be managed in the exact same way that the overall Transactions Panel can be. Click here to jump down to that section if you're interested in learning more.

Manage Submissions For A Specific Person

While we have a specific guide for managing people profiles here, it's important to highlight that you can view all Flow submission history for each individual person record in Nucleus Flows.

To do this, while viewing your People list in Nucleus Flows, click to view a person record.

Then click Submissions in the submenu.

Just like how you can manage submissions for a particular Flow, here you can view and manage all submissions that are associated with this specific person. For a refresher on how to manage submissions, click here to go back to the top of this guide.

Download Submission Data

While already covered in a previous section above, the ability to download your submission data is an important enough feature to call out in its own section here.

While managing a specific Flow and viewing that Flow's results, you can download all submissions data for that particular Flow. Simply click Download and you'll be able to open the .csv file in any spreadsheet program of your choosing.

Note: The reason you cannot download reports while viewing your submissions for all Flows is because each Flow has unique items of information that they collect. Each unique piece of information is contained in their own columns in the report, so creating a report that contains every column of information would be impractical and not a useful report.

Note: While this can be super helpful, especially when relating to sign-ups for events that you can use for check-ins on the day of the event, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that leaves our system. So please take caution - especially with submissions that contain sensitive or personal information - in how you handle any downloaded reports.

Manage Transaction Reports

Anytime that you have an active Payment Step in a Flow, you can receive transactions. (You can also manually add offline transactions for people who wish to pay via cash or check, in cases where you've enabled that as an option in the Payment Step.)

Just like with submissions, you can view all transactions for all your Flows, or you can view transactions only for a specific Flow. In either case, all the filtering options and how to manage and download a report is exactly the same.

To learn more about this, click here to view our entire visual guide.

What Next?

Now that you're familiar with managing submissions, you might be wondering how to manage your people records. Don't worry. We've got you covered:

Otherwise, you might find these other visual guides helpful in managing your Flows:

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